Free Online Countdown Timer: Timerrr

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Timerrr is a free online countdown timer which lets you set an alarm online. The free online timer is touted to be simplest in its category. It behaves exactly as your kitchen timer. If you have to remember something or you want to set up an alarm for something then this web app is one of the solutions which performs the above mentioned set of actions. It resembles your old kitchen timer in every respect. I have always wished for online timers since I used the PC, I have always dozed in front of the monitor. I rarely find a clock on my desk, so no alarms. Timerrr is one of the most valuable tools for forgetful/punctual folks like me.

You have two kinds of timer on the site, a regular kitchen timer and an egg timer. You could use the one you are comfortable with. Just set the time, and a reciprocating ching alerts you at the precise moment. The web service is complete in every aspect though the alarm sound could have been more prominent.

timerrr simple timer

 How Timerrr works?

There are two ways to setup an alarm online either automatically or manually. When you use the manual mode of the online timer, then use it as your normal kitchen timer. Just hover the mouse over the dial and you notice a green button. Move the green button anyway you want. If you want to use the automatic mode, just click on the check box and when you set the alarm, the timer starts working immediately.

How to use countdown timer (Egg Timer/Kitchen timer) :

  • Go to the homepage.
  • If you want to set the timer manually then just head towards the dial.
  • Else look for a check box which says Autotstart is on.
  • The dial is on the homepage itself, hover over the knob to locate the green button.
  • Press on your left mouse button and drag it sideways to set the time. Click on Start to set the alarm.
  • You use the egg timer in a similar fashion, only that you have to drag the upper part of the egg, above the dial and twist it to the left side. Click on start to set the alarm.

eggtimer timerrr

In short, Timerrr is a free countdown timer over the web and helps you to set online alarms. With Timerrr you won’t forget a thing.

Free/Paid: Free

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