NY Times App: Get Daily News Feed, Save, Share News

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NY Times App is the web app of The New York Times newspaper. Now you can be updated with recent as well as old news in a click. It has a whole section of archival records. Here you can have a look at the newspaper cuttings dated back to 1900’s. It has a wide range of categories for you to choose from such as News, Opinions, arts, living etc. Under these categories also there are many subcategories to read from.

It has an extensive collection of articles on topics ranging from travel, food, business, arts, music, movies, education, fashion etc. Other than this, you can save any article for later reference. It would be saved in your saved items, provided you are registered in NY Times. After registering, you will enjoy many services which won’t be available to you otherwise. You can share the news in Facebook, Twitter, Google + with your friends. You can also look at the comments and express your opinion here.

Have a look at the interface of the App below:

interface of NY Times app

This is a newspaper cutting of the issue of 1979. Read further to know more about the app.

Access NY Times App From Anywhere:

As you can see in the screenshot above there is a Sections column on the left hand. Here you will find all categories of reads available. There is a detailed list of reads. You can search for a particular news by clicking on the Search option at the top. All the news related to that would be visible in a thread. Also you can create shortcuts for the news categories which you read everyday. Since there are so many listings. You can click on the star icon to make a shortcut of it in the main sections column. Doing this, you can directly go to the news category instead of navigating.

The screenshot below shows the shortcut option:

Create shorcut

There is a video incorporated in some articles. You can even play the video while reading the article. Also there is a box in the side of the article with options to save, print, share the articles. You can save any article by clicking on the Save option. You can access it from your account. There is a My Saved Items option. Clicking on that you will be able to view all the articles which you have saved for later reference.

See the screenshot below to see the box at the side of the article:

save and share

Also in the right hand side of the page you will be able to see all the articles which you have viewed recently. Also you can access the app from your mobile phone and tab as well. These are more or less the services the app provides.

Features Of NY Times App:

  • You just need to register once and enjoy the services.
  • You can save any article for reading later.
  • You can create shortcuts of the categories for quick reference.
  • There are a wide range of categories available.
  • You can share any article in Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or through mail.
  • You can also watch videos which are incorporated in the article.

You can also have a look at other news app for iPad And iPhone 5 Free News Apps for iPad.


NY Times app is great for those who engage themselves in reading. It not only has recent news but also archive for researchers or for those who want to expand their knowledge. Other than that it also has reading material on various topics which while keep you hooked into this app. You can access it from your phone, tab as well. To always stay updated, refer to the link below.

Get the app from here!

Free/Paid: Free

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