Online Signature Maker Tool, Save Signature as PNG Image

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Signature Maker is a free online tool that helps to create your own handwritten digital signatures. Its freehand feature makes it possible to generate handwritten signatures. You can also save your signature to PC as PNG image. Your digital signatures can be used with your documents and to authenticate your documents.

You can create as many signatures as you want with this free online signature maker tool. Apart from just creating the signatures, it lets you select width of pen and color of pen for creating the signatures.

online signature maker tool

In above screenshot, you can see how this signature maker tool helps to generate handwritten signatures to use with electronic documents.

Signatures are stored on servers just for 15 minutes. After that, signatures are deleted automatically. This also keeps privacy for your signatures which is a good thing.

We have also covered 4 email signature extension for Chrome users.

How To Use This Free Online Signature Maker Tool?

To use this online signature maker tool, go to its homepage. You can use the link placed at the end of this review and access its homepage. On its homepage, just tap on Create My Signature button. No sign up is required to use this free online signature maker tool.

create my signature

After this, it will open a new webpage for you where you will find signature box. See the screenshot below. This box helps to create signature of your wish. All you need to do is move mouse cursor and draw for generating your handwritten signatures. By default, pen width remains 1 only and pen color remains black. But you can customize the pen width (1-5) and can choose pen color using drop down menu option.

generate your signature with favorite color

Presets are available to choose pen color. However, you can use Advanced tab to select any desired color. For your selected color, you will also be able to set hue level, saturation, and light.

When you have created the signature, you can tap on Save button to download PNG image for your signature.


To digitally sign your documents or to use your signature in emails, this signature maker tool is worthy. You can also use this tool to practice signatures instead of using paper.

Try Signature Maker Tool free.

Free/Paid: Free

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