Find Songs By Singing and Humming with Midomi

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Midomi is a website where users can come, use their microphone to hum or sing songs which they’ve heard on the radio, but who’s names they didn’t quite catch, after which Midomi is gonna scan its database, compare what you’ve sang or hummed with actual song patterns and it’s gonna give you the song title. Most of us have found ourselves in situations where we’re singing a song in our head, but we just don’t know the song name, with Midomi, you can easily search for a song, based only on your ability to hum the melody.

Midomi default window

Using Midomi is relatively straightforward process, when you open up the main website, you’re gonna see what can be seen on the image above. To start your search just click on the Click and Sing or Hum button, which can be seen on the image above. By doing that you’re gonna activate the recorder which is when it’s time to start singing.

Also check out allsongsby to search and listen to all songs by an artist.

How to find out song names with Midomi

Once that the recorder has been activated and it’s running, you’ll have to do your best and sing the song that you’re looking for as accurately as possible into the microphone. Before that, make sure that all the microphone settings are properly configured, people often have their mic muted or volume turned all the way down which makes the song identification process difficult. The length of your singing also plays a very important role, next to clarity of course, because it can be difficult to detect something if you only sing the melody for a few seconds. If you’re unlucky you’re gonna see something like this when you click stop on the recording:

Midomi no close matches

This is the results page if your search didn’t end up with a definitive match, you’re then gonna see several suggestions which are close matches to what you were singing. This will probably be seen by majority of people. All those who are capable of singing the songs that they are interested well, they’re gonna see something like this:

Midomi song found

If your singing and humming was matched with a song in the Midomi database with absolute certainty, you’re gonna see what can be seen on the image above. In both situations you’re gonna be able to listen to a song excerpt, you’ll be able to do that for all the songs from the album, to make sure that it really is what you were looking for, or to see if you maybe like the entire album.

You can also check out Shazam Android app to identify songs.


Finding songs when only a bit of melody is familiar is never and easy thing. With Midomi looking for songs is made easier. Just click on the search button, start singing or humming and Midomi is gonna do the rest, compare what it recorded with its rather large database of songs and it’s gonna display the results where you’re gonna know if a song is a 100% match or if there’s several similar results, all of them will be displayed for you to choose from. To use Midomi you just need to open up the website.

Free/Paid: Free

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