Free Tool to Generate GitHub Repository Card in SVG, PNG, HTML

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gh-card is a free tool to generate GitHub repository card in SVG, PNG, HTML. This is a simple tool that takes repository name from you and then generates the card that you can embed on your websites. The repository card is like you see on GitHub website. If you want to generate those cards for your site then this tool will help you. You can showcase your repositories on your own website in the same cards in the same manner as you see on GitHub. It generates the final card as an image, SVG, and HTML snippet. You can choose the final output format based on your needs.

On GitHub, the repositories are shown as a card. In each card, the name of the repo with developer name, number of forks, and starts are displayed. But there is no way to get that for your own website except by using this tool, gh-card. Here it is a simple open-source online tool to generate GitHub repository card. Currently, this tool is already hosted but if it goes own then you can run your instance using its source code.

Free Tool to Generate GitHub Repository Card in SVG, PNG, HTML

Ho to Generate GitHub Repository Card in SVG, PNG, HTML?

Using gh-card to generate GitHub repository card in SVG, PNG, HTML is very simple. Here is the homepage of this tool where you have to enter the GitHub repository name with its developer. If the main website is not working then you can get up and running your own instance.

GitHub repository card generator

After entering the repository and developer name, simply hit the “Generate” button. It will take a few seconds to process the card and will show it to you. It generates the card in three formats and you can download the one you want to use on your website. You can get the SVG file, PNG file or just copy the HTML to embed it on webpages.

GitHub repository card generator in action

This is all you have to do in order to make this tool work. Just give this tool name of the repository and then simply get the card. There are 3 formats and you can choose anyone from it. This is one of the best free embeddable GitHub card generators that you will like.

Final thoughts

If you want to generate a GitHub repository card then simply try the tool I have mentioned. No sign-up or registration is required there. Just access the tool using the given link and then simply generate the card. The generated GitHub card can easily be added on any website by just adding a simple code. Or, you can just use the image of the GitHub card wherever you want.

Free/Paid: Free

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