Automatically Download New Instagram Photos Of Multiple Users On PC

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In this article, you will know how to automatically download new Instagram photos. Most of the Instagram Photo Downloader software out there only download photos of specified users at once. They do not provide any provision of auto downloading new posts being added by Instagram users. But with the help of this software named 4K Stogram, you can automatically download new Instagram photos of multiple Instagram users. You can auto download new photos of all the people you follow, multiple Instagram users, a specific Instagram user, or even your photos. There are various other features of this software that you will like to use; more on that later. The software is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

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How To Automatically Download New Instagram Photos on Computer

4K Stogram makes it really easy for you to auto download latest Instagram photos of multiple users. Let us checkout how. The first step includes adding users to Subscribe list and downloading all their photos.


Well, You can not only download photos of public Instagram accounts, but Private users as well. To begin with, you can start downloading photos without even logging in with your account. Simply enter the username of the account of which you want to download photos in the search bar, and click on Subscribe. This will begin downloading all the photos of that account.

Note: You can stop photo download any time you want.

To download Instagram photos of private Instagram accounts, you will have to login first. Make sure, you are approved by private user. To login, go to the Tools menu, and then click on Preference. Enter your user name and password to login. Now get back to the main interface and enter the user name of the private account, and click on Subscribe.

You can also subscribe to all Instagram accounts you follow. This will download all the photos of accounts you follow. This will require too much space and bandwidth if you have a large number of accounts in your following list. The option is available in the Edit menu. From here, you can also download your own photos.

How will this automatically download new Instagram photos?

Well, by default, you are subscribing to all the Instagram accounts that you add here. This means, all their existing photos will be downloaded, and you will be subscribed to their feed. This software keeps checking the added Instagram accounts automatically for new posts. Whenever a photo is added, it downloads the photo and saves on your PC.

As you can see in the Preference window, there is an option to Update photos every 5 minutes. Deselecting this option will stop the auto download of new Instagram posts.

From this menu, you can also set destination folder to store downloaded photos.


This is the screenshot of 4K Stogram when I subscribed to my Instagram account. As you can see, there are 453 photos here at the moment.

Now, I added a test image to my Instagram account, and after few minutes, 4K Stogram updated the library and auto download new Instagram image. The screenshot below shows the same. Now, it has 454 photos.

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How To Unsubscribe from an Instagram account to Stop Auto Download of new Instagram posts?

All the accounts that you subscribe to, are displayed on the interface of this software. To unsubscribe from a specific account, click on the 3 dots menu option right besides the name of the account. From there, click on the Remove option. From this menu, you can also subscribe to all the accounts that specific user follow; go to More option. If you want to unsubscribe from all the accounts that you have subscribed, simply go to Edit menu, and select the Remove all subscriptions option. You can also pause subscriptions from here.

Note: You can also Export your 4K Stogram subscription list or Import subscription list from others through File menu.

Final Words

4K Stogram is a very popular and fantastic software to automatically download new Instagram photos of any user. Once you have subscribed to an account, you will not have to worry about manually updating and downloading their photos. I tried to subscribe to my Instagram account and posted a test photo on my account. The new photo was updated and downloaded within minutes without me doing anything.

Get 4K Stogram here.

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