5 Chrome Extensions That Show Motivational Quotes

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Here’s a list of 5 Chrome extensions that show motivational quotes. Sometimes we need a little bit of inspiration to keep pushing forward and working on making our dreams come true. There’s no better way to get inspiration then to read wise words that were spoken by other great men during their times of plight. With the extensions that we’re gonna be talking about here, you can riddle your Chrome browser with quotes so that they pop-up when you’re working and need encouragement.

You can also check out more than 10+ websites to download motivational posters from reviewed by us.

AlphaQuotes Motivational Quotes:

chrome quotes extensions alpha

AlphaQuotes is an extension that shows a motivational quote every time that you open up a new tab.

It doesn’t matter if you open a new tab using the keyboard shortcut, or by clicking on the new tab button, a short quote in large red letters will pop-up instead of the usual “new tab homepage” which will be replaced by AlphaQuotes.

Get AlphaQuotes Motivational Quotes.

Instant Motivation:

chrome quotes extensions instant motivation

Unlike AlphaQuotes, Instant Motivation has a bit of a more old fashioned approach when it comes to displaying quotes. To view a quote you just have to click on the icon that the extension puts up in the top right corner.

Quote is showed in a pop-up with a nice looking background. To show a new one you just have to click on the icon again.

Get Instant Motivation.

Motivate Me:

chrome quotes extensions motivate me

Motivate Me is a slightly larger in size than what you would normally expect for an extension, but the reason for that lies in the fact that this extension shows images.

Yes, creators of this extension really went out of their way to motivate people, so they decided to add images. They are accessed by clicking on the extension icon from the top right corner, same way that Instant Motivation is accessed.

Get Motivate Me.


chrome quotes extensions emma block

Some motivational extensions found in the Chrome Web store offer more than just inspiring words. Some of them actually try to prevent you from wasting time when you need to work or study. Once such extensions is EmmaBlock.

EmmaBlock is gonna change all the images on IMGUR, a famous image hosting site, with images of Emma Watson telling you that you should be studying instead of watching funny pictures on IMGUR. This a very useful extension, because once that you visit IMGUR and start browsing the extremely large number of funny pictures found there, you don’t stop that easily.

Get EmmaBlock.

Tap My Back:

chrome quotes extensions tap my back

Tap My Back is a free motivational extension for teams. After installing it, all the team members will have to register an account and login with the extension.

Once they’ve done that, they will see something similar to a chat window inside Chrome. Using this window teammates can congratulate one another when one of them does something good.

Get Tap My Back.

Similar articles: Motivation Via Email, Motivational Tool – Chains.


Staying motivated and working on projects that we need to complete isn’t easy in this day and age of distractions. With the extensions posted here you’ll see great motivational quotes, to boost your focus and resolve. Do you have a suggestion for us? Leave it in the comment section down below.

Works With: Chrome
Free/Paid: Free

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