3 Free Fake Twitter Followers Checker Websites

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As the name suggests, Fake Twitter Followers are profiles on Twitter that are simply created to follow other profiles for boosting their number of Followers. More often than not, these fake profiles do not belong to a ‘Real Person’ and are used to create a false impression of how the ‘Followed’ profile has a lot of influence or importance.

Often, these fake followers are Bots (Robots) that are programmed to Retweet, Post fake comments / replies etc. Scammers who are disguised as Fake Followers can use these bots to spread Malware as well as getting involved in phishing personal information. Many a times, these Fake Followers are used for negative propaganda or maligning the character and image of a famous person for vested interests.

Authentic research has found that around 5% to 30% of Twitter Followers are fake due to which using the “Number of Twitter Followers’ as a measure of the ‘influence’ or ‘reach’ of an account can be grossly over exaggerated.

It is imperative to keep auditing Twitter Accounts at regular intervals to detect Fake Followers of all types and effectively purge them. This strategy should be adopted as a routine part of an organization’s cybersecurity protocol measures.

In this article we will be discussing about 3 Websites to check Fake Twitter Followers by Auditing Twitter accounts on key parameters.

1. followerAudit

This website can be used to run an audit of any Public Twitter account to find Fake Followers without notifying them whatsoever. It can detect Fake as well as Inactive Twitter followers, Bots, Spam followers and more.

Apart from this, followerAudit also gives you important metrics like Followers quality score, FA score of the Account (percentage of Real Followers) and a detailed Follower Audit. You can export the entire audit to a PDF file for report generation and other purposes. You must authenticate to your Twitter account and authorize followerAudit so that you can use the application to audit any Twitter accounts.

Overall, followerAudit is a very good website for auditing any Twitter account for the purpose of detecting Fake and Spam followers. If you wish to find out the actual list of the Fake Twitter Followers, you must upgrade to their Premium account. The Free Subscription allows auditing for up to 5000 Followers.

Click here to navigate to followerAudit and begin the process of auditing selected Twitter accounts.


2. Spark Toro

This is yet another website that audits Twitter accounts for Fake Followers. Like the previous website, you must authenticate and grant access to your Twitter account to perform the audit.

The audit gives you the percentage of Fake Followers along with Follower Quality Distribution and a SparkScore that rates the Twitter account for Reach and Influence on a scale of 100.

Additionally, Spark Toro provides crucial information about the account in question after analyzing and testing its 2000 random follower accounts for factors correlated with Spam, Bot and Low quality

On the whole, Spark Toro is an excellent website for finding information related to Fake Twitter Followers. As a bonus, the website gives you a wealth of information about any Twitter account with regards to certain key audit parameters.

Click here to access Spark Toro and audit the Twitter accounts that you require.

Spark Toro audit

Spark Toro audit

3. TwitterAudit.com

This website is not as powerful and informative as the previous two, yet it gives you metrics about how many Twitter Followers are Fake in terms of numbers as well as percentage.

Additionally, TwitterAudit.com also provides informative charts on Quality Score per Follower, Real Points per Follower and more. For Advanced Metrics and to find out the list of Fake Followers so that they can be deleted, you must subscribe to their Pro account.

To navigate to TwitterAudit.com, click here.

Fake Followers also exist on Instagram on a large scale that should be identified and deleted failing which your account is liable to be blocked or your customers may start leaving you, both of which are equally disastrous.

To find out how to detect Instagram Fake Followers, Click here


The deluge of fake followers and malicious bots on Social Media is here to stay. It is up to individuals and businesses to keep auditing their Twitter accounts to purge them of such followers. The above tools will go a long way in helping to audit your Twitter Accounts and take the necessary actions. Note that the audit does not explicitly give you the list of the Fake Followers. You must subscribe to the paid versions of these websites to get the specific data if any.

Free/Paid: Free

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Spotting fake followers can be an important aspect of managing your online presence and ensuring genuine engagement. While tools like FollowerAudit can be useful in identifying potential fake followers.

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