iPhone Secure Messaging App with Message Delete, Message Recall Feature

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TigerText is a free iPhone secure messaging app which lets you send encrypted secure messages with message recall feature. You can use the app to have both 1-on-1 as well as secure group chat with your friends, colleagues, and anyone else. For the security purpose, the app lets you set the time interval after which the message will be deleted from recipient’s side.

You can choose to set different time intervals for each individual conversation or simply set universal time interval for all of them. The most interesting feature of the app is Message Recall feature. This feature lets you recall any message or attachment from the recipient, before or after reading the messages.

This app is available for both iPhone as well as Android, so you can use it to chat


While having conversations, you can send images, audio clips (up to 30 seconds), and simple text messages. The app notifies you for every message when it is sent, delivered, and finally read by the recipient. You can create multiple inboxes for different organizations to differentiate one conversation from other. The app has two separate inboxes for Personal and Company messages by default. The app also syncs with your iPhone’s contact book so whenever you enter a new contact or edit an old contact there, the changes will also take place in this iPhone secure messaging app instantly.

The other interesting features of this app include: Enable Do Not Disturb feature when you don’t want to get disturbed, Set PIN for adding an extra layer of security, Customize notifications and alert sounds, add/remove companies whenever you want.

Note: The app also has feature in which it send notifications via SMS if it is unable to send it via internet. But, I guess this feature works only in US and Canada as I couldn’t test this feature since I am outside US/Canada.

Getting Started With this iPhone Secure Messaging App:

After reading the features of TigerText iPhone secure messaging app, you might be eager to know how to get started with this app. Its not too difficult; all you need is to install the app on your iOS device and register for an account with TigerText. You can get yourself registered with the app by providing your name, Contact number, email address, and finally choosing a password. Just after providing the details, the app will send you a confirmation mail on your email address and will also redirect you to home screen. Tap on the three bar icon at top Left to get the menu. This is the place from where you can control different things of the app and your account.

Using TigerText

Here, you can see profile (your name at the top), then your inboxes (Personal, Company, etc. ), and Settings.

  • Profile: This is the option from where you can check how is your profile visible to other users. You can also edit the details from here. You can set status, enable Do Not Disturb, and other profile related things.


  • Inboxes: Here, you will see all the inboxes created by you. The two inboxes Personal and Company are by default. You can choose to create multiple inboxes for different organizations by tapping on Join Your Company option. Similarly, you can even create different groups for having group chats by tapping on Create Group option.
  • Settings: This option lets you set different settings for your account. You can set up your status, enable Do Not Disturb, Message Settings, App Settings, Notifications etc..


To start conversation with any user, simply go the particular inbox and tap on the contact with whom you want to chat. This will open the chat screen and you can chat like any other normal chat app. You can see that there is a text box at bottom with Send option. This text box is for sending normal texts. If you want to attach images, audio clips, delete conversation, or change Settings of the conversation, then tap on the three dots icon at left side of text box to reveal the options. All the options perform the action signified by their name. In Settings option, you can set the time interval for auto-deletion of message, change avatar, and enable Delete on Read feature. When this feature is enabled, then the message will be deleted from receiver’s side within 1 minute of reading the message.

Sending Messages on TigerText

Using Important Features of this iPhone Secure Messaging App:

  • Message Lifespan: This is the time interval after which the message gets deleted from the receiver’s side. You can set the time interval to be within a range of 5 minutes to 30 days with different options being available in between. You can set it individually for each of the conversation or universal one for all conversations. To set it individually, go to the particular conversation and tap on the three dot icon at bottom left of the screen and then on Settings. If you want to set it for all the conversations then go to Settings option in main menu and then to Message Settings.

    Message Lifespan

  • Delivery Confirmation: This feature notifies you whenever the message is sent, delivered, and read by the other user. You can check it by going to the particular message.
  • Message Recall: This feature lets you recall any message/attachment anytime no matter whether recipient has read the message or not. To use this feature, simply go to the message/attachment you want to recall and then tap and hold on it to reveal the Recall option. Just tap on it to recall it.

    Message Recall

  • Do Not Disturb: Enable this feature when you don’t want to get disturbed. You can also set a custom auto-reply message which will be delivered to the user who sends you a message when this feature is enabled. You can enable this feature by going to Settings on main menu.

    Do Not Disturb

  • PIN Lock: If you want to make the app extra secure so that no other can use it, then you can enable the PIN Lock feature. This feature lets you set-up a 4-digit PIN for launching the app. You can enable this feature by going to Settings and then App Settings. You can choose the PIN lock durations as Immediately, After 1 minute/5 minutes/15 minutes/1 hour/4 hours.

    PIN Lock

You may also like Telegram iPhone app with secret chat feature reviewed by us.

Final Verdict:

TigerText is really an awesome iPhone secure messaging app. The best thing about the app is that it lets you control all the aspects of messages sent by you. You can choose that for how long you want to keep any message visible, you can recall any message anytime, specify delivery confirmations, PIN Lock, Do Not Disturb, and different other such features makes this app one of those apps which you should try. The app is definitely worth a try for all those looking for some serious iPhone secure messaging app.

Get TigerText here.

Works With: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
Free/Paid: Free

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