5 Free Websites To Learn Table Manners And Etiquette

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Here is a list of 5 free websites to learn table manners and etiquette. You can learn the manners and ways of handling the crockery while at a dinner table.

At first, it might seem odd that there are websites dedicated to the task of teaching table manners. It seems so obvious that every one would know how to behave on a dinner table. But, the learning table manners not only includes the proper way of eating of out. There are various other nuances before & after finishing your food that one must learn. There websites are more beneficial for children in particular, as they are completely new to these tasks.

The 5 free websites reviewed in this article are Debrett’s, Etiquette Scholar, A to Z of Manners And Etiquette, A Better Child, and Ask Andy. 



Debrett’s is the first free website that you can visit to learn table manners and etiquette. It provides written lessons on how to behave while eating and how to handle cutlery. The lessons on this website have been divided into different parts. Each part teaches you a different lessons. In one of these lessons, you will learn the basic rules of table manners like how to sit, how to arrange napkin. In the other part, you will learn about how to use cutlery & chopsticks. There is also a separate lesson on how you should eat your food. Overall, this is a comprehensive website that makes sure that you learn all the lessons and rules of table manners.

Etiquette Scholar:

learn table manners

Etiquette Scholar is the next website in this list to learn table manners. From holding utensils to learn the proper way to sit and eat, you can learn it all on this website. The written lessons come along with pictures that help you understand your lessons properly.

On the website, you will learn different methods of handling utensils. There are different styles in which people hold their utensils ( Continental style and American style) and you can learn both of them. The lessons on this website are quite long and each page teaches you something new and different.

A to Z of Manners And Etiquette:

A to Z of Manners And Etiquette

As long and elaborate the title of the website sounds, it makes sure that your children learn how to behave on different occasions from a single platform. The link will take you directly to the page where your children can learn manners of the occasion in question. There is a long article that provides 26 tips that can be useful for children. They can learn how to handle the cutlery, how to eat, how to stand up from the table once they are done eating, and more. The lessons are specifically meant for children and the images along with it make sure that children maintain their interest throughout. You can also share these tips on platforms like Facebook, or choose to print it for yourself.

A Better Child:

A Better Child

A Better Child is another free platform where you can learn a thing or two about table manners and etiquette. The website has one article dedicated entirely to the task of teaching kids some manners while dining, and behavior at social gatherings. The article lists some very useful tips that can help your children in learning the basics of table manners and etiquette. The article has been divided into two parts explaining the tips for children and parents separately. The part on parents includes special tips on how parents should deal with their children while dining at home or away.

Ask Andy:

Ask Andy

Andy is the author of the website and he has answers all of your questions. How to behave at a dinner table is one such question for which a detailed answer has been provided on the website. The link above will directly take you to this answer page.

I found the article on dining etiquette on this website more detailed than on any other platform. It not only explains how an individual should act and eat, but also goes a step ahead and provides a demonstration of how things should be properly arranged on a dinner table. With the help of  a diagram, you can learn where exactly a utensil or an item should be placed. The website also explains different styles of holding a fork, the history of chopsticks, and much more.

As you will understand after going through these websites, there are so many things to learn while you sit at a dinner table. You will realize how clumsy we will look to someone who is perfect in his manners and etiquette. So, go through these websites carefully and learn the art of eating elegantly.

You can also read our post on 5 Free Websites To Help Quit Smoking.

Free/Paid: Free

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