Website to Improve Writing, Get Inspiration: Write the World

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Write the World is a website to help young writers improve writing style as well as get inspiration. The website is like a community of writers who help each other improve their writing by working on weaknesses and honing the skills. Although, the website is focused on young high school writers but even if you aren’t, you can register with the website and start working on your writing.

As I said the website is like a community, so you can follow other writers, join groups, review their work by commenting, and give stars to them. There are also various badges which you will win as your journey will go on the website. Each of the badges represents an achievement unlocked by you.


Using this Website to Improve the Writing:

The first step to start using the Write the World website is to get yourself registered. Once you’ve done this, you are all set for the ride. There are 5 options which you need to know about: Dashboard, Start Writing, Portfolio, Groups, and Community. Let’s talk about them in detail.

To start your writing stint, click on the option Start Writing. It will show you the listing of writing prompts and you can write on only any of those. You can also opt for more than one writing prompt. Some of the writing prompts are: Character Study, Flash Non-fiction, Sports Journalism, Ten Second Essay, Poem, Music Journalism, etc.. If you don’t want to write on any writing prompt, then you can go for Free Writing option.

Writing Prompts

On selecting the writing prompt, the website will show you the rules and guidelines to follow and keep in mind while writing your writing piece. You can then start writing just like you write on any other text editor. Some of the writing prompts are competition type. Those writing prompts have a deadline for submitting the written piece which then receives peer reviews from the Write the World community.

Guidelines and Writing a Post

The good thing is that the website preserves all versions of your submitted and published writing pieces. Now, you know how to write and get your writing piece published, let’s have a look at other options in brief.


As the name suggests, it is the option which lets you check everything about your account. You can easily track the groups, feeds, badges, favorites, followers, and following.


  • Groups: You can either join existing groups or request for a new group to be created. The groups help you interact with same-minded people on the website.
  • Feeds: Check all of your activities like when did you like someone’s writing, reviewed, followed, etc..
  • Badges: Check out all the badges earned by you and for those badges which are yet to be earned, the website shows the progress bar.
  • Favorites: Use it to check the writing pieces marked favorite by you and your writing pieces marked favorite by others.
  • Followers: Check the users who follow you.
  • Following: Check the users you follow.


It is the option from where you can see the collection all the published writing pieces written by you. It means you don’t have to choose any of the writing prompts, just write on anything you want.


Browse through various groups and join the ones you like. Each of the groups is dedicated to a particular type of writers or interest. You can also read the description of the group before joining or requesting to join. In case, there’s no group matching your interest or your type, you can request that group to be created.

Join Groups


This option lets you have a look at the overview of what’s happening in the Writer the World community. You can check the Published Writing, All Activity, Seeking Reviews, Peer Reviewed, and Following.


You may also like: 4 Free Writing Apps for Distraction Free Writing.

Final Verdict:

Write the World is a really good website for young writers to improve their writing and get better. The good feature of the website is that you get to interact with real people which means you are getting real feedback. Apart from this, the competitions held by the website and the badges are like the incentive to improve.

Try Write the World here.

Free/Paid: Free

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