How to Download Script with Keywords from any TikTok Video

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In this article we will be explaining the steps to download Script with Keywords from any Tiktok video that you wish. For this we will be using a Google Chrome Extension named, TikTok Script Generator & Video Extractor.

This innovative tool, infused with the power of AI, revolutionizes your video production process. It enables you to quickly create a new video script by drawing inspiration from your current content, thereby eliminating the need for lengthy brainstorming and script writing sessions. With this solution at your disposal, the task of producing compelling TT video scripts now takes only a fraction of the time. Just click a button and then lean back and relax while the AI works its creative magic. In just a matter of moments, you’ll receive an exceptional, one-of-a-kind script customized to meet your content needs.

How it Works:

1. Click on this link to download and install TikTok Script Generator & Video Extractor Chrome extension.

2. Navigate to and hover your cursor over the TikTok video for which you wish to generate a script. Observe the ‘AI’ button that appear at the top left of the video over which you have placed your cursor.

AI button

3. Click the AI button and wait for a few seconds. You will see the browser’s sidebar pop up with the TikTok script generator. The Keywords, Hashtags and more will automatically be available in the sidebar. You can click on the respective ‘Copy’ buttons to copy them to the clipboard.

Keywords and Hashtags

4. Now, click on ‘Generate Video Script’ and wait for some time while the Extension produces the complete script for you based on the current video.

Script generated

5. You can now go ahead use it as an inspiration to create your video.

Closing Comments:

Mastering TikTok script writing skills is an indispensable asset for any creative user aiming to thrive on TikTok. Utilizing the script generated by this Chrome Extension allows you to find creative inspiration, maintain concise and captivating content, and make it relevant to your target audience.

Click here to download and install TikTok Script Generator & Video Extractor.

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