Solved: How to Remove Boost Post Button in Facebook?

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Here is a tutorial in which I will explain how to remove Boost Post button in Facebook.

Boost Post button is available on all Facebook pages, that lets people boost a post by paying Facebook for it. Unfortunately, Facebook does not provide a way to remove Boost Post button in Facebook. So, anyone who has rights to post on Facebook can end up clicking this button and incurring charges.

Don’t worry; your friends at ILFS have solved this problem and now you can remove Boost Post button from Facebook. For this, I will use the Adblock Chrome extension, that is traditionally used to block ads.


Remove Facebook Boost Post Button In Facebook

Let’s check out how.

How to Remove Boost Post Button in Facebook?

Step 1: Download and install AdBlock extension on your Google Chrome browser. Do make sure that it is enabled before proceeding with further steps.

Install AdBlock

Step 2: Log into your Facebook account and open that Facebook Page from which you want to remove Boost Post button in Facebook.

Step 3: Click on AdBlock extension icon at top right corner to get a drop down menu. From this menu, click on Block an ad on this page option.

Choose Block An Ad Option

Step 4: This will open a box on the left side of Facebook page. Now, you have to select the Boost Post button by clicking on it. After clicking, the button will appear like you have selected it.

Select Boost Post Button

Step 5: After selecting the Boost Post button, you will see a few lines of code along with a slider in the box which appeared on the left side on Facebook page. We will move this slider in next step.

AdBlock Interface with Slider

Step 6: When you selected the button in Step 4, then the extension selected only that particular button. To select all buttons on the page, you have to move the slider to the right. While moving the slider, you will see the changes in real-time. So, set it such that only Boost Post button gets selected and is disabled, and not other page elements. You will need to move the slider forward and backward till you get the optimum position. After setting slider at your preferred location, click on Looks Good button.

Move Slider to Select All Boost Post Buttons

Step 7: You will see a box where you have to confirm your choice of blocking the Boost Post button. Click on Block It! to remove Boost Post button from Facebook. If you want to make any changes to the slider, then click on Back option.

Confirm Removing of Boost Post

After following all these steps successfully, the extension will reload your Facebook page automatically and voila, you can see that Boost Post button has been removed from Facebook. Now, whenever you will open Facebook page again along with this extension enabled, then you will not see Boost Post button anymore.

Boost Post Removed in Facebook

If at any point of time you would like to again start seeing Boost Post button, then just open Facebook page and click on AdBlock icon to get drop down menu. From options, click on Undo my blocks on this domain. Clicking on this will reload the page and you will get Boost Post button back.

Undo Removing of Boost Post Button

In this way, you can remove Boost Post button in Facebook with avoid spending money accidentally. If you face any problem, feel free to ask me in comments section below.

Here is also a quick checklist which you can look for some common problems that may arise:

  • Make sure you followed all the steps sequentially without skipping anyone.
  • Make sure that you selected Boost Post button properly and adjusted the slider correctly.
  • After completing the tutorial, do make sure that AdBlock is always enabled and you are signed-in into same Google account which you used while installing AdBlock.

Also, do note that this will remove Boost Post button only for the user on whose PC you did this setup. If you have multiple people who have access to your Facebook page, then this setup needs to be repeated for all.

If you know of any other wy to remove Boost Post button on Facebook, do let me know in comments below.

Works With: Google Chrome
Free/Paid: Free

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Is there a way to do this when viewing FB Page on iPhone?


who pick won’t why pay bad facebook? want so for ask me crying it give I love hug good sorry need free free free!

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