Free Online Meteor Tracker Website For Live Meteor Tracking

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You may have seen many meteors falling towards Earth randomly. Meteors always keep falling towards Earth, whether real ones or man made. You will be astonished to know how many meteors hit Earth every single hour. You can track all the meteor activity through this online meteor tracker by MeteorScan. Here, you can track meteor activity in real time, and also view meteor detection of current and past hour. You also get to know about the active and upcoming meteor showers, along with its peak day, and class.

First look at this meteor detector and you may find it confusing. But, worry not; read along and this article will help you understand the tool better.

If you are interested in Halley’s Comet, check out this Halley’s Comet Tracker.

How To Track Meteor Shower Using This Meteor Tracker:

In this section, we will focus on the following topics:

  • Where to look for live meteor activity?
  • How to determine if an activity is a meteor activity?
  • Is the data real time?
  • How many meteors hit Earth every single hour?
  • Meteor activity of last 24 hours.
  • Ongoing and upcoming meteor shower activity.

Where to look for live meteor activity? You can track meteor shower activity with the help of the graph that is displayed in the above screenshot. This graph appears right at the beginning of the website.

How to determine if an activity is a meteor activity? In case of any meteor activity, it shows up on the graph in form of a spike. See the spike in the above graph? It is a live meteor activity.

Is the meteor shower tracker data live? Yes, the data is live in a way, but not completely live. The data that is displayed, is updated for a time slot of one minute. That means, the data refresh rate is one minute. So, yeah, we can say its live.

The same information has also been mentioned on the website.

How many meteors hit Earth every hour? Well, there’s no estimate of how many meteors enter Earth’s atmosphere on an average. But, you can always keep an eye on live statistics.

On the main graph, two of the statistics display number of meteor detection for current hour and previous hour.

How many meteors hit Earth every day? Again, the actual numbers vary widely for every single day. This meteor tracker website provides real statistics of how many meteors hit Earth in last 24 hours.

As you scroll down the website, you will find this chart with meteor activity data for last 24 hours. It plots the number of meteor activity detected for each last 24 hours. This gives you a rough idea how many meteors hit Earth every day.

Tracking Active Meteor Shower Activity. Right below the main graph, showing meteor activity, you will find this list of Active Meteor Shower Activity. Several meteor showers go on for days. You can view information about the ongoing ones here.

For a meteor shower, you can view the shower duration, peak day, ZHR, and its class (category). This can help you track meteor shower happening in near future and enjoy it visually.

Closing Words

This meteor tracker from MeteorScan is a great way to keep a look at ongoing meteor activity in real time. You can also keep an eye on ongoing meteor showers here.

Checkout this Meteor tracker here.

Free/Paid: Free

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