Here is a free hospital price comparison website to compare prices for treatments in different US hospitals. You can search from cardio to bone marrow transplant, kidney transplant to lung transplant, cheekbone treatment to major chest procedures, and many more. Its database includes 5 million+ prices and it is growing continuously. It gathers the information from the price lists published officially by all such hospitals. The information might not be accurate so you should not totally rely on such information. Still, the website is good to check the price list to have some good hint about a particular treatment. You should take the help of others or contact the hospital directly to have accurate information.
The name of the website that I covered here is “All Hospital“. You can search for any treatment by entering custom text. The search results match the input text which makes it good. No irrelevant result occurs. You will be able to see the hospital name, price, and description.
In the screenshot above, you can see this website is showing the prices of different US hospitals for cardio search.
Using This Hospital Price Comparison Website to Compare Prices for Treatments in Different US Hospitals:
Open the website homepage. You can find its homepage link at the end of this article. Just search for any treatment and it will display the search results. There will be three columns: hospital name, treatment description, and price.
You can also sort hospitals, description, and prices from low to high and vice-versa.
The search results are visible page wise. You can jump to other pages using the page buttons. That’s all this website does.
You may also check some best free hospital management software.
The Conclusion:
This is a nice hospital price comparison website where searching the prices for different treatments in different US hospitals is pretty simple. It doesn’t help you access hospital website or provide any other information. But, it is good to have a quick look to compare treatment prices.