Play Online Quiz And Ask Questions For Better Learning: Kahoot

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Kahoot is a free online platform for you to play and create your own online quiz, indulge in discussions, and answer survey questions. All the kahoot users can play quiz created by each other and upload their own quizzes, survey’s etc. They can play with other players and download the results to see who wins. You just have to create a free account and then you can choose the activities you want to perform. It is a very simple to understand online quiz platform with a very nice interface.

This online quiz platform is basically meant for you to indulge in creative learning and ask your questions in the form of quiz, discussions etc. You can launch your own survey, wherein, you can ask questions that will help you in judging things in a much better way. It is a nice initiative with a motive to improve the usual learning process. In places like schools and colleges, teachers can take help of kahoot to create an engrossing environment.

Kahoot-online quiz-kahoot menu

Play Online Quiz

Kahoot has two key functions that it allows you to perform. The first is you can play online quiz etc. uploaded by others, and, the second is that you can create your own quiz. Both these options are shown on the dashboard of your account after you have logged in.

If you decide to play a quiz, you can choose any quiz, discussion, or survey you want to take up. You can select any one option from the given list and hit the play button. After that, you are guided to the play area where you have to select a nickname for yourself and type the pin number associated with that game. Since the quiz cannot be played alone, you have to wait for another player to join that game. This can be a bit irritating as it might take a lot of time. Once the players have joined in, you can start playing. Time limit is allotted to every question and you to answer within that. The quiz gets over with one winner. You can see the leader-board and also download the result on your system.

Kahoot-online quiz-play quiz

You can also share any particular quiz if you want.

Create Quiz, Discussion, And Survey

The option to create your own kahoot is given on the dashboard itself. You can choose the kahoot you want to create from the three given options. The procedure to create any kahoot is similar. It is just the category that varies.

Kahoot-online quiz-create kahoot

As you can see in the above screenshot, the first step is to choose a name for your quiz. After that you will be taken to separate page where you can start editing. There you can add as many questions as you want and options to choose from. You can also select the time limit for the question and add images to your questions. Then you have to add description about the question, add tags to it and complete all the other necessary details. You can hit the done button after this and your quiz is published on the website.

Kahoot-online quiz-publish quiz

Key Features Of Kahoot

  • Attractive and colorful interface
  • Easy to understand
  • Lots of quizzes to choose from
  • Create your own online quiz, discussion etc.
  • Edit your quizzes
  • Like and share quizzes

Final Verdict

A great platform for you to learn by engaging into quizzes and surveys. The good thing is that it has something to offer to everyone. Not only children, but also businesses etc. can also benefit from this.

Try kahoot here!

Also try QuizStar, Gnowledge

Free/Paid: Free

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