Free Windows 8 Photo Collage Creator: Phototastic

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Phototastic is a free Windows 8 app that allows you to create photo collages for multiple images with ease at the click of a button. All you have to do is to open up the images, select the collage mode, and poof! your collage will be created for you in the blink of an eye. Phototastic is unique in the sense that it makes the entire process of creating a collage of multiple images very easy, and simply selecting you images and opening them up will create a collage for you. But Phototastic making the process of creating a collage simpler does not in any way mean that it is bad at making collages or is short of features! Phototastic also allows you to edit various aspects of your collage, including drop down shadow underneath each image, controlling the Photo’s shape, brightness, etc. If you properly use these editing effects, the end result is a stunning collage of professional quality, fit for being printed and hung up as a poster on your living room wall! Enough of the long talk, let’s get down to the basics of using the app itself!


Using the app, in a nutshell…

The below screen shows how Phototastic’s main screen looks like.

Phototastic main screen

The best way to begin is to click on the Collages button. Upon clicking it, you will be presented with a list of collage types available (aka, 1×3, 2×3, 2×4, 5×4 etc.). Once you are done with selecting a type of collage, something like the below screen will present itself to you.

Phototastic collage creation

As you can see, gray boxes are present in the above screenshot, clicking on each of which will pop up a menu in which you can choose to select Media from your HDD, Camera to use your webcam, flickr option to use image(s) from flickr and Color option to simply fill up the area with a solid color. Once you have done this step for each of the gray boxes, your collage will be ready, and will look somewhat like the below screenshot.

collage ready

You can control various aspects like border etc. from the right side menus, and can change the Layout, Size etc from the left side menus. Simply click on the Publish button on the right to save your collage.


  • Neat, uncluttered interface.
  • Collage creation is made extremely easy.
  • Options to adjust borders, shadows, use images from flickr etc.
  • Professional quality collages can be turned out in a matter of minutes.

The nail on the coffin…

Phototastic is a truly amazing collage creation app that not only makes the entire process of creating a collage much easier, but also allows you to create collages of such a high quality that your friends and family will actually be impressed with the results! Hell, I was a new user to the app, and I was more than pleasantly surprised with the incredible quality and ease that this app has to offer. If used in conjunction with image editing tools like Aviary for Windows 8, the results are going to be absolutelsy stunning, mark my words!

Get Phototastic for Windows 8.

Works With: Windows 8
Free/Paid: Free

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