Find Lesser Known Movies With High Critical Acclaim to Watch

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A Good Movie To Watch is rather a unique site that I came across. What this website does is lists lesser known movies which got high critical acclaim. Movies which receive good reviews from both users and critics but are not commercially successful find a place in this website. Just because a movie is not a commercial success doesn’t means its a bad movie. There are a lot of factor which figure in making a movie a commercial success like marketing, distribution, etc. So what these lesser known movies did wrong was they didn’t fit the norm of a commercially viable movie. Maybe the director didn’t care about the marketing or distribution, or maybe it was a low budget movie, that in no way defines quality of the movie.


So the movies on this site are probably the ones you haven’t heard of or seen, because when they were released they just came in quietly at the theaters and were taken off after a week or two as they were not popular. But that doesn’t mean they were not awesome movies.

This is where the staff of the website and the audience come into picture. The staff at A good movie watches these critically acclaimed movies and decides if they fit the criteria of being on the website. Its made sure that the movies put up on the website have good user reviews, good critics reviews and are lesser known. Handpicking these movies makes sure that you are being recommended awesome movies which you can watch and will definitely love.

The users of the website can also contribute, by submitting their suggestions on movies which were lesser known but were really awesome to watch. Users can also leave comments on a movie page, and let other users know if they liked the movie or not.

When you click a title of the movie, it will open up in another page, as you can see in the screenshot below.

a good movie page

You will be able to see a still from the movie on the left hand side and a short description of the movie and actors on the right hand side. Below the still from the movie you will see four buttons. The IMDb button lets you check the movie rating on its website, the Rotten Tomatoes button lets you check the rotten tomatoes score of the movie, the Trailer button lets you watch a trailer of the movie on YouTube and the Wikipedia button lets you read all the details about the movie on Wikipedia. Apart from this you can also see tags, genre and mood for the movie given below. Under this there is a section of user rating, where people who saw the movie can rate it on a scale of 1 to 5.

a good movie options

When you hover over the still image from the movie, it’ll display the name of the website from where you can watch this movie. For most of the movies, Netflix is the destination from where they can be seen. There is also a button at the bottom of the page which indicates where this movie can be watched like Netflix, Amazon, etc.

You can also check out another website which lets you discover movies based on your mood.

Now that you have so many choices in front of you, it shouldn’t be difficult to decide which movie to watch today. Pick a movie from the staff picks list, or choose a movie depending on your mood from its respective section, or select the genre which you feel like watching, or maybe just select one randomly. Any way you decide to choose, you will never leave with a bad choice.

So next time you are thinking of a good movie to watch tonight, think of this website and make your choice easier.

Check out a good movie to watch here.

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