WiBit.net: Free Online Computer Programming Courses

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WiBit.net offers a collection of free online computer programming courses where you can learn about Java, C, Objective-C, and C++. Lessons found on WiBit.net are video lessons. On average there’s dozens of hours of lessons for each of the available courses. Next to lessons, code examples are available for download, code that’s used inside the lesson of course. There’s several ways how you can learn programming on WiBit.com, on the website using your web browser, or on Android and iOS devices via apps which can be installed from their respective stores.

We said that 4 programming languages are supported and yet when you open up the WiBit.net website and see the available free online computer programming courses you’ll notice that there’s 6 of them listed. That’s because there’s two introductory courses (one for programming in general and another for Objective-C) where you can get your feet wet first.

WiBit default window

Clicking on any of those will open up a list of video lessons for that particular topic. You’ll also be offered with links to apps for Android and iOS, each course has it’s own app, although Android apps are missing for some of them.

Key features of WiBit.net are:

  • Free and easy to use: just open up the website and start viewing lessons
  • Offers video lessons, 6 courses total on Java, C++, C, Objective-C
  • Dozens of hours of video lessons available for each course
  • Example code files from the lessons are available for download
  • Apps for quick access to courses available for Android and iOS

Some other learning resources we featured earlier include learn C, C#, PHP, XML, learn maths, and physics simulation software.

Courses available on WiBit.net are updated regularly so even more lessons and perhaps even more courses might become available in the future. Missing apps for Android are also in the making, they should become available soon.

How to learn programming with free online computer programming courses available on WiBit.net

Well there’s not much that you need to do in order to start learning programming with WiBit.net other than just opening up the website, selecting one of the 6 available computer programming courses and then selecting a lesson from the list that comes up.

WiBit introduction to programming

Here you’ll also be able to visit Google Play and iTunes App Store links for the app of the selected course, if it has an app of course. Click on one of the lessons from the list down below and it’ll open up in a pop-up window.

WiBit playing lesson

Each lesson is broken down to several chapters. You don’t have to sit through several hours long videos or anything like that.

As you open up a lesson, near the bottom of the window that comes up you’ll be able to see a list of example files which you can download and study. Don’t forget to check those out.


Learning how to program is something that a lot of people start and then never quite finish, they always give up. WiBit.net might change that because the instructors are very fun and down to Earth. They delivery is very good and most importantly, they cover everything that’s important. Give it a try and see how it goes.

Works With: Web Based
Free/Paid: Free

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