Free AI QR Code Maker with Embedded Images Art from AI Models

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Generative QR is a AI-based online application that enables you to design visually pleasing QR Codes in just a matter of seconds. All that you need to do is input the content or weblink and the text prompt to describe the graphics that you require and sit back while Generative QR crafts an arty one-of-a-kind QR Code for you.

QR Codes commonly appear square in shape and look monotonous and boring. Generative QR translates them into striking pieces of art that not only store the scannable info but also have the knack to attract attention. Generative QR is ideal for commercial as well as non-commercial purposes and no permission or attribution of any sort is required to use the QR codes generated by it.

How it Works:

1. Click here to navigate to Generative QR. No sign up or registration of free account is required to use this product.

2. Type or Paste the content that you wish to encode such as a web link and the text prompt that describes the art that you desire to be used with the QR Code. If you are confused or not sure of the text prompt, you can click on ‘Surprise me’ and allow the application to auto-generate the text prompts and inspire you.

Type text prompt and content

3. Click on ‘Generate’ and wait for some time while Generative QR processes the inputs and crafts the QR Code for you.

QR Code with sky and birds

4. You can scan and verify the QR Code using any QR Code reader to see if the information is being decoded correctly.

QR COde with dinosaurs

5. To download the QR Code, click on the ‘Export’ button at the top right of the code, choose the file type (PNG / JPG) and then click on ‘Download’.


6. You can also click on ‘Copy Link’ to copy the URL to the QR Code and share it with whomever you desire.

Closing Comments:

Generative QR is an AI-based online application that enables you to design visually pleasing QR Codes with embedded graphics that are AI generated. This helps you to create trendy and stylist QR Codes rather than the dull and boring ones that are in use everywhere. Even a small element like a QR Code can play a great role in contributing to your brand identity if you do it correctly. Say goodbye to those black and white squares and go for artful graphics in just one click, Click here to navigate to Generative QR.

Free/Paid: Free

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