Online Marketplace To Sell And Request Products From Around The World

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Teleporti is a free online marketplace where you can request products from different parts of the world and also create your own store to sell products. It just requires you to create a free account after which you can request products by adding their description etc. Another user in that part of the world will see your request on the home page and can choose to fulfill it. All the money transactions can be done between the two users and Teleporti does not charge anything. You can also create your own online store where you can upload products to sell.

This online marketplace serves as a perfect platform for you to get access to local products of places around the world. Migrants can especially benefit greatly from this platform as they can request shipping of their local products that they cannot find in the new place. This platform also provides you the access to potential buyers of your products from around the world.

Let us see how Teleporti online marketplace works, before you try it out for yourself.

Teleporti-online marketplace-home page

Create A Account And Get Started

In order to access this online marketplace, you first have to sign up. After creating a account you will be taken to the home page of your account where all the requests are placed. You can put in your request if any or also choose to accept any pending request.

To post your request you have to go the post request page and put in all the details. You have to mention the name of the product, which country you want to buy it from, your complete shipping address etc. You also have to add a little description about the product and an image of the product.

Teleporti-online marketplace-request page

Teleporti is a free platform and does not take any money from you when you post a request. But, you have to offer a sum of money to the teleporter who will fulfill your request. Along with the other details, you have to mention the amount of money you want to spend on the product and the amount of money you are willing to pay to the teleporter for his services. Teleporti then counts the whole sum, including the estimated shipping price and lets you know the final amount. You can then hit the button to post your request.

Teleporti-online marketplace-post request

Sell Your Products On This Online Marketplace

In addition to the above mentioned function, you can also create a online store of your own. You can add products along with a complete description and post them on the website for selling. The other users can see your product and buy it if they want. It will be your job to ship them the requested address. It works like any other online marketplace.

Teleporti-online marketplace-my store

Also Try out Sellfy, DigitalGoodsStore

Final Verdict

A very good platform for you to acquire your favorite products. The fact that it even allows you to sell products and earn money so smoothly is amazing. It’s a different thing that it might take some time to generate a few customers. All in all a very interesting platform.

Free/Paid: Free

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