Celtx: Free software for Media Pre-production

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Celtx is a free film pre-production software that can be used as a tool for Media pre-production. With Celtx pre-production software, you can perform all the pre-production activities easily, like, write scripts, storyboard ideas, develop characters, develop production schedule, develop characters, and more. This software basically digitizes all the pre-production activities.

This software , in fact, is the world’s first digital Media Pre-production system  that is available. The interesting feature that makes it possible is that this utility replaces the conventional  Paper and Binder Method of Preproduction with the Digital method. Therefore it is extremely easy and convenient to use.


The user can choose from a number of templates available under the categories of

  • Films
  • Audio visual Clippings
  • Theater theme based video clips
  • Audio plays
  • Story boards
  • Comic books and
  • Novels.

Celtx video Pre-Production software provides a number of Editing tools, including:

  • Standard editors for writing screenplays, stage plays, AV scripts, Audio plays, Comic books, novels etc are available. These editors also have the intuitive features such as text auto complete, page breaks. Scene management , dual column dialogs, embedded notes for reference, scratch pads etc., All these make the script editor, extremely resourceful.
  • Text lock: The user can lock the scripts and prevent them from being edited/ modified further. Options to allow a few others (with whom the script is shared) to edit the system is also available.
  • Adapt to: The Adapt to feature enables conversion of one type of script to another, For example, a Script for a movie can be converted into the stage play script.
  • Story Development forms: Story development forms with preloaded elements such as scenes, Props , characters is also available. This makes the work very convenient for the user.
  • Other tools such as Story boarding tools, Sketch tools, media rich building tools to include sound files, video clips, digital photos, scanned documents etc., are available.
  • Productivity tools such as  Callsheets , catalogs to assist in research during pre-production phase, shooting report documents, schedules etc., are also present.
  • Options to include add-ons , customization options etc., are also available.
  • Online tools to
    • Share projects that are created and managed.
    • Store every project file for reference in the future.
    • Managing team work flow
    • Synchronizing the scripts with the personal handheld devices such as iPad and iPhone for easier access, is also available.
    • The user can privately preview the documents and even chat with other studio members using the online tools built into this software.

With all these features and options Celtx is an efficient and a resourceful TV pre-production software for managing the media pre production activities.

Also check out some video editors, like, Avidemux, and VideoSpin.

Celtx freeware for can be downloaded from celtx.com and the size is just about 16MB for Windows. Also various editions of this software is available for MAC OS X , Linux 32 and 64 bit operating systems as well. The user can easily download and use this freeware on almost all the popular Operating systems. Installation and usage is extremely simple as well. Support for multiple languages is also available.

Works With: Windows, Mac, Linux
Free/Paid: Free

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Hi Everyone!!

I know this is an article about Celtx but I work at Scripped.com and they just released a celtx version that lets you sync your Celtx scripts with Scripped.com, so you can write Online and offline. You can download it from sourceforge here: http:sourceforge.netprojectsscrippedfiles or by searching there for Scripped.

Check it out, it’s free! It’s same as celtx but also works with Scripped which is really convenient!!


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