Windows 10 Pokemon Information Apps to Know their Strengths, Abilities

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This article covers free Windows 10 Pokemon information apps to know about their strengths, abilities, stats, and types. You can search and explore basic info about Pokemon like base stats, abilities, damage chart, and attacks. If you are a fan of the popular Pokemon characters, then you would definitely love these apps. If you are a newbie who has just started following Pokemon then these apps can be helpful as well. They can introduce you to the Pokemon information you are looking for.

Let’s briefly see what Pokemon are for readers that don’t know much about them. Pokemon also known as Pocket Monsters is a Japanese media franchise. It is centered around fictional creatures known as Pokemon who battle each other for sport. Users who catch these Pokemon creatures are known as Pokemon trainers.

There’s a video demonstration also available for these Windows 10 Pokemon information apps:

All these apps mentioned here are free to download. Let’s have a look at these free Windows 10 Pokemon information apps below.

Pokedex 10

Pokedex 10 is a nice app to get basic info about Pokemon. You can get information like Base stats, Attack list with effects, Abilities, Pokemon search, Damage chart, Mega evolution, Pokemon natures, Team builder, Pokemon image visualization, XY and ORAS pokedex. When you start the app you will get a interface like the one shown in the above screenshot. There is also a menu on the left side of the app, which has several sections in it. You can see your favorites from here, check egg groups, check abilities, create a team using team builder, etc. On the home page choose a Pokemon type to bring up its stats.

In the above screenshot you can see the Pokemon that I searched for “Magneton” and its stats. You can see the evolutions chart up top, next to it is damage chart, and so on. You can also see base stats on the left side below the image of the Pokemon. You can also check out the type and egg group on top right of the app page. From the bottom toolbar you can add this Pokemon to your favorites. There is a lot more information to see, which you will only find interesting if you follow Pokemon.

PokeLab XY

PokeLab XY provides basic Pokemon information for XY games. When you start the app you will get two options to choose from dex and lab. When you choose the dex option you will get a screen like the one seen in the above screenshot. All the Pokemon are listed here. You can browse through them. To check on Pokemon information you can click on any one of them and their information page will come up as displayed in the screenshot below.

The above page displays the information about Bulbasaur. You can see its height, weight, speed, attack, defense, etc. It is really good information for new players to see in terms of what they would like to catch.

The lab option on home page of the app will show you a page like the one displayed below.

You can see the type and weakness of each Pokemon. This will help you when you are playing against other Pokemon.

XPCK Pokedex

XPCK Pokedex is a nice app which gives basic information, base stats, moves, etc. When you start this app, you will see an interface like the one shown in the screenshot above. All the Pokemon are listed on the app, so you can browse through them. The app has organized the Pokemon in generations to help you find them easily. Pokemon have been divided into six generations. When you click on a Pokemon image, there stats will open in full screen, as seen in the screenshot below.

As you can see above, the stats of the Pokemon are displayed. You can see its abilities, type, catch rate, etc. You can scroll down to check all the stats. You can also check out the next Pokemon in list using the arrow icon given on the right side of the app. All this information is helpful for players when they are playing against other Pokemon.

Pokemon Typedex

Pokemon Typedex provides you information of all Pokemon types and the matchups. So basically you are getting information about what types are weak to and strong to. The app actually doesn’t show you individual Pokemon and their abilities. The home page of the app can be seen in the above screenshot. All the types are listed here. So you can go ahead and click on any type. Like I clicked on Grass, the result can be shown in the screenshot below.

This page shows what this type of Pokemon is weak to and strong to. This information can be useful for new players who are still getting familiar with the types of Pokemon. So when you are playing against other Pokemon then you would know which one to choose to win.


These are the Windows 10 Pokemon information apps which you can use to collect information like stats, abilities, strengths, weakness, etc. This information will be helpful when you are playing against other Pokemon. You would know which Pokemon to choose to win. If you are a Pokemon fan or new to Pokemon games then try these apps out.

Works With: Windows 10
Free/Paid: Free

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