Download ConTEXT Free Text Editor

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ConTEXT is a powerful, free text editor which works very fast, and has become the first choice for the software developers. It satisfies all the needs for editing the text.

Let’s have a look at this powerful text editor:

ConTExt Free Text Editor

As you can see from the above image, the UI is so well designed that any developer hardly needs to search for anything. The File panel is also designed in a very simple way. Files can be easily opened, and history option which displays all the past worked files helps to work fast. The user commands feature helps to fastly do the work with reduced chances of error.

Features Of ConTEXT Free Text Editor:

  • User can open multiple files at the same time.
  • Edit file size close to 4kB line length.
  • It has syntax highlighting for a number of languages, some of them are: C, C++, Java, Visual Basic, Perl/CGI, SQL, HTML, Python, Delphi/Pascal, Python, TCL, PHP etc.
  • ConTEXT text editor can be customized for syntax highlighting according to User defined syntax.
  • It can support multiple languages: German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, English etc.
  • It also has the support for project workspace.
  • Unicode UTF8 is supported by ConTEXT.
  • You can save a number of files in one group and also use the file explorer for the list.
  • Code can be easily commented and uncommented.
  • The command line handler in ConTEXT is very powerful.
  • Auto indentation and outdentation with C/Java-style block are also featured in ConTEXT.
  • Bookmarks are also there for quick reference.
  • Syntax Colour highlighting, Cursor Shapes, Line spacing, and right margins can be easily customized.

Download and Installation:

ConTEXT can be downloaded from here. Once the setup is downloaded you simply need to run the setup and start the installation process. While  installation, you just need to follow the instructions present there on the installation wizard. Install it this way and now you can use it.

Final Verdict:

ConTEXT is a very powerful and of course free text editor which can support many platforms and can work in many languages. The features provided by ConTEXT makes it a very efficient tool for text editing. All the basic needs of a software developer is taken in to care and embedded into the ConTEXT. If not this, you may try out some other free text editors reviewed by us.

Works With: Windows
Free/Paid: Free

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