How to Find Store In Which iPhone 6 Stock is Available?

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Here is a tutorial in which I will explain how to find a store near you in which iPhone 6 stock is available. The iPhone 6 is the latest smartphone by Apple in its iPhone series. Although, it’s easy to find out numerous stores selling iPhone 6, but its really a tough task to find the store in which iPhone 6 stock is available. Even if there is a store nearby you which is selling iPhone 6, there is still a high probability that its stock will run out soon.

So to help you in buying a new iPhone 6 as soon as possible, I found this web application that can not only find stores selling iPhone 6, but also check whether iPhone 6 stock is available or not. For this tutorial, you only need to open website called iDeviceChecker and you are all set.


You can use this website to get notification when iPhone 6 gets back in stock and also find out stock for other iOS devices like iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPad Air, and iPad Mini 2. So, lets get started with this tutorial.

Note: This website currently works only for stores in United States.

How to Find Store In Which iPhone 6 Stock is Available?

Step 1: Open iDeviceChecker in your browser. You will see the map of United States along with a text box and a few options at top.

iDeviceChecker Home page

Step 2: Click on the option at top center labeled as Select Product and choose iPhone 6. You can also use it to look for stores selling other iOS devices. It also shows the number of stores selling that particular device selected by you.

Select iOS Device

Step 3: Next step is to specify the color, memory, carrier of iPhone along with zip code of location. If you don’t want to specify, you can leave all these fields blank.

Enter Specification Criteria

Step 4: After specifying details about iPhone 6, you will see different stores selling iPhone 6 on the map. The stores are depicted with Red-colored icon. You can zoom-in and zoom-out of map using the mouse wheel and also drag the map to go to any location.

Stores Selling iPhone 6

Step 5: Click on any store to know more about it in details like store name, address, opening hours, contact number including iPhone 6 details. Regarding iPhone 6, you can check the carriers available, memory variant, and a link to order it immediately.

Store Details

This way, you can follow these steps any number of times with different search criteria to find a store in which iPhone 6 stock is available. The search criteria helps to find the particular type of iPhone 6, if you have any specific requirements like a color, storage space, or carrier.

If there is a store from where you want to buy an iPhone, but it’s currently out of stock, you can also use this website to set reminder for when it gets back the stock. To do this, just enter the details like mentioned in above steps and then click on Notify Me button at top right corner. It will ask you to enter ZIP code, name, and email address. Now, sit back to get notification at your email address.

Go to iDeviceChecker homepage.

Free/Paid: Free

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