Free Online Social Media Graphics Creator with Magic Resize

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Here you will read about free online social media graphics creator with magic resize. You can make designs in minutes. All you have to visit the website to create unique designs. Firstly, you can select a preset size. Also, you can use a custom size (width and height). To make graphics, you can use different backgrounds, images, text with stylish fonts, shapes, etc. After creating the design, you can save the image in JPEG and PNG format.

The site lets you view the graphics in 2D/3D mode. Also, the site automatically resizes the post which means you can prepare a design and then use the same design for another social media platform. You can make designs with a light and dark theme. There are other alternatives for creating graphics online.

Create social media graphics online

Online Social Media Graphics Creator with Magic Resize

When you visit the website, you will see different categories for making graphic designs. The categories are as follow:

  • Social Media
  • Display/Banner ADS
  • Static Webpage

The social media category lets you create graphic designs for LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube thumbnail, and Twitter.

You can also make graphics for the Leaderboard, Half-Page Ad, Large Rectangle, large Mobile Banner, and Medium Rectangle.

The static webpage contains the template for Mobile and Standard webpage.

choose the preset size to create graphics

You can select the platform for which you want to create graphics. Then, it automatically provides you preset size according to the post. Also, you can add a custom size (width and height). Once you choose the preset size, the site shows different templates. You can select any which you like and start editing it. Also, you can create the fresh one on the blank template.

There are tools on the left. You can use backgrounds, text in a unique font style, images, and shapes. On the right, there are other tools to change the color, transparent background, customize border, opacity of the image. Also, you can change the angle of rotation and rounded corners.

You can view the graphics in 2D/3D mode. It gives you an idea of how your graphics look from different angles. Also, the site automatically resizes the same graphics according to the post. There is a light and dark theme as well. You can switch to themes while creating graphics. When you are done with creation, you can save the post in PNG and JPEG format.

In the free plan, you can create unlimited designs, unlimited downloads. You can use 300 fonts, access stock photos, multi-format resize. Also, there is no requirement for an account.

In brief

PIXELIXE is a great website for creating designs. It lets you make beautiful graphic designs for social media platforms, ads, and blogs. You can create designs for promoting your brand or small businesses. So try this site and create beautiful graphic designs in minutes.

Visit here.

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