Learn To Play Chess Online With Instructional Videos: Chesscademy

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chesscademy.com is a free online service that helps users to learn to play chess in an easy manner. It provides three different types of courses for beginners, intermediate, and advance users. Each course contains different lessons and each lesson provides a video tutorial and exercises to learn to play chess online.

Thus this online app is useful for novice as well as for advanced users. You can use this service completely free and without any sign up process. But benefit of signing in is that you will be able to keep track of your progress as well as you can select course according to your capability.

Below you can see an example of exercises that will be available for you to complete during your course. Course duration depends only on how fast you could learn to play chess.

Chesscademy.com- learn to play chess online

How To Learn To Play Chess Using Chesscademy Online Service?

First of all, create an account to chesscademy.com by providing an email address, your name, and a username. After that, you will get a confirmation link to confirm your account which will help you to use Chesscademy service. Just after creating an account, you will be asked to choose a course according to your requirement. You can also sign in with your Facebook account.

As you could see in the below screenshot, you can either start with the beginner, intermediate level, or can choose advanced course (if you know some combinations and tactics).

Chesscademy.com- select a course

Based on your course, you will be provided different lessons, a video tutorial for each lesson, and each lesson will contain multiple exercises. It will be good to have a look at video tutorial before starting any exercise.

After this, you can select exercises one by one and can try to complete them. You will also get a hint on each exercise that will guide you to complete the exercise.

Chesscademy.com- complete exercises

Apart from this, you can view progress of your course and can view lessons and exercises you are doing currently. Moreover, as you will progress, you will get points and reputation. Points and reputation will help you to add a badge (bronze, silver, and gold) on your account.

Chesscademy.com- view progress

Key Features of chesscademy.com are:

  • You will learn to play chess with step by step process.
  • Provides three different courses in which you will find multiple lessons and exercises to perform.
  • Supports video tutorials also. This will help you to learn easily.
  • You can view your progress and you will get a badge (like dynamo after accumulating 100 points, Godfather badge, etc.).
  • It is completely free service.

We have also reviewed 5 free software to play chess on computer.


chesscademy.com is quite helpful service if you want to learn to play chess. Selected course will help you to train easily with multiple lessons and exercises. Moreover, video tutorials provided for each lesson gives exact idea about how to complete a lesson.

Use chesscademy.com free.

Free/Paid: Free

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Playing a chess is great experience for all people because in this game you have to learn some steps to play in better way.

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