Free Photoelectric Effect Simulator Software for Windows

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Here is a free Photoelectric effect simulator software for Windows. You can use this software to learn the Photoelectric effect on various metals included in the software. It allows you to change the intensity of light, the voltage from the battery, and wavelength of the light. By regulating these parameters, the corresponding changes will appear on the model. You can see the emission of electrons and their speed by varying the current. The simulation that it shows looks very real and you can also see the graph which it plots for voltage vs current, current vs light, and electron energy vs light frequency.

Photoelectric effect is the phenomena of emission of electrons from a metal when the light of certain frequency hits its surface. It depends on various parameters that you will find in the simulation which I have explained here. If you are a high school student or indulge in Quantum Chemistry like field, then you will like this software.

Photoelectric Effect Simulator Software

How to use Photoelectric Effect Simulator Software?

The software, aptly named Photoelectric Effect, will take certain parameters as an input and will show you the simulation of Photoelectric effect. You can see the simulation and also vary battery voltage or intensity of the light, and the software will show corresponding changes in real-time.

Here are steps to get started with this Photoelectric Effect Simulator:

Step 1: Open the software and its interface will pop up. You will see the following options there:

  • Target: Here you can specify the target metal that you want to use in the simulation. The software has included Zinc, Calcium, Sodium, Platinum, etc like metals.
  • Intensity: Use this slider to change the intensity of light.
  • Wavelength: This slider will help you specify the wavelength. You will find the wavelength range from Ultraviolet to IR.
  • Battery voltage: You can specify the desired battery voltage that you want to use in the simulation. To do this, just edit the voltage by directly clicking on the label under the battery.
  • Play the simulation: Use the play button to start the simulation process.
  • Play the simulation step by step: You can also play the simulation process step by step using the Step button. The Step button is located next to the play button.

photoelectric effect simulator

Step 2: Specify the parameters according to your need. After that, hit the Play button to start the simulation. You can see the below screenshot.

photoelectric effect simulator in action

Step 3: If you want to see the graph of various characteristics, you can click on that option. The various graph options are on the right side of the software.

photoelectric effect simulator graph

Using the above steps, you will be able to use this Photoelectric Effect simulator software. The process is very simple and you will find it quite useful.

Also, check out:

Closing Words:

Photoelectric Effect is a very nice software to simulate Photoelectric Effect phenomenon. The Photoelectric Effect simulator which I have explained in the above article makes it pretty easy to do that. You can see the emission of electrons and their attraction to the Anode. Also, you will find graph options in the software which will help you analyze the various characteristics of the simulation.

Try Photoelectric Effect here.

Works With: Windows, Linux, Mac
Free/Paid: Free

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