Show Weather, Temperature in Notification Bar of Android

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MeteoNotifier is a free weather app for Android to show weather and temperature on Notification bar of Android. There are many weather apps out there which show weather in notification bar, but to see that, you need to pull down the notification bar. However, that defeats the purpose of having weather in notification bar; you are instead better off by just adding another home screen and add a weather widget on that.

That is not the case with MeteoNotifier, though. It actually shows weather information and temperature in notification bar that is visible all the time. You don’t need to pull down notification bar; just a quick glance at the screen, and you can see temperature as well as an icon that shows weather (cloudy, sunny, windy, etc.).

MeteoNotifier Android

As you can see in screenshot above, this app is nicely showing temperature as well as an icon for cloudy weather in notification bar of my Android phone.

(If you are wondering about other info being displayed in notification bar, the first is an app to show date in notification bar and next to it the circular icon is of Avast for Android.)

Apart from showing weather and temperature in notification bar, it shows more detailed weather info when you pull down the notification bar. In that mode, it shows weather forecast for today and next 4 days. For each of those days, it shows weather and min / max temperature.

MeteoNotifier Weather Forecast

How to Show Weather and Temperature in Notification Bar of Android:

Now that you have seen how this app looks, let’s see how to use this app. First of all, download the app from link given at end of the article. When you install the app, just click on the app to open its settings. The settings window has 4 tabs.

First tab is “Town”. In this tab, type name of your city, or just click “Find Me!”. If you manually typed your city, click on “Valid” button. This will show your city name alongwith some additional info, which I have no clue what that means. My preferred option is to use “Find Me!” option. That showed me a list of matching cities to my city’s name and I selected my correct city from that list.

MeteoNotifier Town

Next tab is “Fonts”. In this, you can control font color of display in notification bar.

Next to that is “Tempo” tab. This tab lets you specify the frequency of refresh of weather in the app. Minimum frequency is 1 hour.

MeteoNotifier Refresh Frequency

Next tab is “Theme” which lets you control color of the display.

Shortcomings of this app:

Even though this app displays temperature and weather nicely in notification bar of Android, it does suffers from a couple of shortcomings:

  • The temperature is displayed in Celcius only, and there is no option to see in Fahrenheit.
  • The app has been translated to English, but it seems some of the translation is not complete.


This is a good app to see weather in notification bar of Android. However, it is not a full featured weather app that provides you all the weather info that other feature rich weather apps provide. So, if you are only looking for an app that shows weather and notification bar of Android, this is definitely a good choice.

Get MeteoNotifier for Android.

Works With: Android 1.6 and up
Free/Paid: Free

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