Free Ads Benchmarking Tool to Get Ad Predictions using AI: Zappi

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Zappi is an ad benchmarking platform for online ads where you can get ad predictions using AI for free. It takes a video ad as input along with some information about the ad and predicts various parameters. It uses a pre-built database that has more than 10 thousands data points generated by analyzing thousands of ads to predicts overall appeal, brand Score, and purchase Intent.

This is a gem for digital marketers out there and you can use it to check how your future ad will be perceived by the people. It emails you the whole report and assigns a score to aforementioned parameters. The tool is free and you can use it on multiple ads and let it predict the score for the success of the ad. The best part is that, here, you can even upload an unfinished ad and it will still work.

Free Ads Benchmarking Tool to Get Ad Predictions using AI Zappi

Free Ads Benchmarking Tool to Get Ad Predictions using AI: Zappi

Right now, this tool is in open beta and in the few days, it will be available to the public. So, you just go to the main website here and then start using it. The main interface looks like this. You will see an upload option, using which you have to submit the video ad that you want it to analyze.

Zappi Main UI Getting Started

Next, you simply have to complete 3 simple steps. In each step, it asks for some information about the ad that you will have to provide. In the very first step, you basically have to specify the category of your ad along with the channel that you are going to use. There are sub categories as well and you can select the most relevant one for your ad.

Zappi step 1

Proceed further and then in the second step, you have to specify some more information about the ad. Enter its development stage,  about the content of the video such as persons involved, music, and your product or service that is highlighted in it. Specify the correct options for better ad results and then proceed further.

Zappi step 2

In the last step, it will ask for email address to send you to the report. You will almost receive the benchmark results instantly right in your mailbox and see the stats there. The output looks like as I have shown in the first screenshot which I have added in the beginning.

Closing thoughts:

If you are a digital marketer who runs a lot of ads to promote products and services, then you will find Zappy really useful. Before actually running your ad, you feed it to this tool here and it will calculate and show you key metrics by benchmarking it against the database that has tens of thousands of consumer data points and built on hundreds of millions of dollars of ads.

Free/Paid: Free

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