5 Free Websites To Learn Algebra Online

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Here is a list of 5 free websites to learn Algebra Online. These websites focus mainly on teaching you various algebra lessons and equations. Earlier, we have covered topics like Free Maths Learning Websites. These websites cover all the different topics that come under maths like Geometry, Trigonometry, Algebra. But the difference between the websites mentioned in this article is that they mainly focus on algebra lessons. You can learn basic to advanced algebra and even get worksheets to practice yourself. Some of these websites adopt interesting methods to teach algebra. They provide you with different algebra games that you can play and learn.

The websites that I have included in this article are Algebrahelp.com, Purplemath, Virtual Math Lab, Neo K12, and Math-Play.com.


Algebrahelp-learn algebra-home page

Algebrahelp is the first website in this list to learn algebra online. The website has lots of algebra lessons for you to learn from. These lessons are quite descriptive and have been divided into different categories, like: basic algebra concepts, Advanced equations. Along with these lessons, sample problems are also provided with their solutions. Once you have gone through these lessons and sample problems, you can go the Worksheets tab and access worksheets related to different algebra topics. Each of these worksheets contains 10-20 questions and answers are also available for you to crosscheck. The most interesting feature of this website is that you get to use different Algebraic calculators like: Equation calculator, 3D graphing calculator, and many more. Instructions on how to use these different calculators are also available.

Try Algebrahelp.com from here.


PurplemathThe next website to learn algebra is Purplemath. It is a very simple to use website with lots and lots of Algebra lessons. Its USP lies in the wide range of topics that this website covers. The multiple lessons available on the website have been divided into four groups, in a chronological order. They are:

  • Preliminary Topics
  • Beginning Algebra Topics
  • Intermediate Algebra Topics
  • Advanced Algebra Topics

All these groups cover lengthy lessons along with examples to make you understand better. Lastly, the website has one more group that contains lessons on the basics of Trigonometry.

Visit Purplemath here.

Virtual Math Lab:

Virtual Math Lab

Third website to learn algebra is Virtual Math Lab. On this website you will find various algebra tutorials that you can read and learn. There are 36 different algebra tutorials in total. These 36 tutorials have been divided into 5 different sections, with each section having at least 5 tutorials to learn from. At the end of every section, based on what you have learnt in the tutorials of that group, you are asked to solve a practice test. Answer keys are also made available for you to check your answers. The tutorials are quite well-defined and contain multiple examples at the end.

Try Virtual Math Lab here.

Neo K12:

Neo K12Next ( fourth) in the line is Neo K12. This website lets you learn algebra by watching video tutorials on different algebraic topics. There are multiple videos that explain different topics of algebra. It is like having a virtual algebra class where you can watch and learn the rules and methods the teacher is explaining in the video. The important thing to keep in mind is that these tutorials are meant for students studying in grade 7-12 and hence, the website is not meant for students who are studying in smaller grades. Had the website included a few more tutorials and some worksheets or games to play, it would have surely been on a higher place in this list. Nevertheless, it is a decent platform to make a start.

Try NeoK12 here.


Math-PlayLast, but not the least, on this list of websites to learn algebra online is Math-Play.com. It is the most eccentric website in this list to learn algebra. There are no tutorials, worksheets, examples, or calculators. This website aims to make the process of learning an interactive one. Therefore, it makes you learn various algebraic topics by playing games. There are lots of games and each and every game makes you learn a different topic. Some of these games are Adding Integers game, Square Root game, Two-Step equation game etc. In the Adding Integers game, you have to take part in a race and save yourself from other cars around you. While racing, you will find some bottles on the track. You have to ride over these bottles and every time you do that, a question will pop up on your screen. Keep giving correct answers to win points and continue with the game. Similarly, other games also come up with such creative styles of learning.

Try Math-Play.com here.

So, visit the above mentioned websites and start to learn algebra online. For a change, you can stay away from your boring course books and still keep learning. Give us your feedback in the comments section below.

Free/Paid: Free

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