Calorie Counter For Windows 8

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Here is a free calorie counter app for Windows 8 that allows you to count, track, and manage your calories. This free calorie counter for Windows 8 has a very simple and straightforward interface that enables you to take note of your calories intake easily. This nifty little app allows you to create lists in which you can add multiple number of items that you had along with the calories within each one of the items. Then this free calorie counter for Windows 8 provides you with total calories of each of this lists as seen below.

The app is quite limited in terms of functionality. First of all, it does not have any info around calories contained in popular meals; you have to provide all the calories yourself. On top of that, it doesn’t even learn. So, if you tell it that you had bread in morning with 100 calories and then you tell it that you had bread in dinner, it won’t know that bread has 100 calories. Only thing it does is that it lets you log what you ate and lets you specify calories of those items. So, it is more of a calorie logger. Or, just a simple calculator. Or, a glorified excel. Or, something like that. Not really a calorie counter. No. I would rather go with online calorie counter websites that are much more intelligent.

The app is quite flexible as you can name a list anything like if you would like to add list of calories on each day then you can do that or divide the day into individual meals; so you can use this calorie counter for Windows 8 as per you need and method.  The free app also allows you to search the data by items, to do so just click on the search button located in the upper right corner of the app window. So try out this free calorie counter for Windows 8 and track and manage your calories intake with complete ease.

Calorie Counter For Windows 8

You can get this calories counter for Windows 8 from the link posted at the very end of the article. The provided link will automatically direct to the Windows Store webpage from where you can get this calories counter. After successful installation just run the app form the start screen from it’s tile and you will be taken to the interface as shown below. Here everything will be empty as seen below when you start up the app for the first time.

free Calorie Counter For Windows 8

Now to add your data to this empty app window just click on the ‘add’ button which is located on the upper right corner of the app window. This action will create a list in a form of a box as shown below. This is a simple list and now you can name the list and add items to it.

Calorie Counter For Windows 8 download

To change the tile of the list that you just created simply click on the ‘edit’ button located opposite to the title on the right. Clicking on the ‘edit’ button will bring up the interface as shown below; this dialog allows you to edit the title and add a description of the list. After you have named your list just click on the ‘add new’ button to add items to the list.

download Calorie Counter for windows 8

After you have added items to a list along with the calories of each of those items you will be provided with the total calories on the bottom. In this manner you can create multiple lists for days, items, meals etc. in a simple and intuitive interface. You can get this calorie counter for Windows 8 from the Windows Store by clicking here. Also try out these free  and these free calorie counter for Android.

Works With: Windows 8
Free/Paid: Free

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Rich Keggans2013-04-30

Seems like you could do the same with Notepad…

I use MyFitnessPal, which has a lot of built in meals and individual food items.

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