Setup Online Debates using Free Online Debating Platform: Quibl

[yasr_overall_rating] [yasr_visitor_votes]

Quibl is a free online debating platform where users can setup a topic, like Mac vs. PC and then argue over which camp is right and which one is wrong. To use this service, to participate and submit debates you’re gonna have to create an account. You don’t need an account to browse debates posted by other users.

When you open up the Quibl homepage, you’re gonna see a list of top monthly debates, the ones that were most popular that month, listed. At the top you can select a different time period, daily, weekly, yearly and all time top debates.

Quibl default window

Down below you can see an example of a debate preview. Clicking on the debate subject at the top will open it up so that you can see comments, supporters, arguments and all the other info about the debate. Short report on the number of participants in the debate can be seen in the middle, between the two positions that the debate creator put forward (green one on the left, red one on the right).

Key features of Quibl free online debating platform are:

  • Web based – create and access other people debates via web browser
  • Categories – sort debates in categories – tech, science, politics
  • Quick top daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and all time debate lister
  • Allows you to submit your own debates – requires registration
  • Types of debates – yes/no, for/against, pros/cons, versus, good/bad
  • You can vote for debates you like, leave comments, arguments, etc.

Online debates are as old as internet itself. They can take place on various different venues, but with Quibl you get a specialized framework where the entire public can participate in the debates. Here’s a few pointers to help you get started.

How to create and participate in debates with Quibl free online debating platform

Open up the Quibl homepage and from the top right corner select Register. Facebook login is available, but if you don’t want to use it, you can register an account using your email.

Quibl create new debate

Once that you have an account and you’re logged in, click on the Submit Debate button to start the debate creation process. Go through all the steps, select debate type, add name, positions that debaters can take, for, against, images, detailed description, category and so on.

Quibl arguments section

When you’re done with the setup click on the Create Debate button. Debates are first submitted to moderation, but you can preview the ones that you’ve created. Fully opened debate, the one that we created can be seen on the image above. Click on the Submit button down below to start participating in the debate.


Quibl is very simple to setup, offers a lot of control over the debates that you create and what’s most important, it’s a lot of fun to setup and use. Customize debates in a number of different ways, add images, descriptions, change debate format, and so on. When you’re done, simply share the debate address with anyone who might be interested in participating. Register for free and see how it goes.

Free/Paid: Free

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