Windows 8 App To Edit Your Images: SuperPhoto Free

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SuperPhoto Free is a free Windows 8 app that allows you to edit your images with a lot of ease. The app consists of a minimalist interface that allows you to select the desired filter that you wish to apply to an image of your choice. When you launch SuperPhoto Free, you are presented with lots of popular effects, on which you can then click and use them. The effects can be used in two ways- you can either allow the app to use your webcam and then apply the effect to the photo that you click, or you can choose a picture from your Windows 8 device that you wish to edit.

The app runs smoothly and with no noticeable lag. The interface is designed in a way that the complexity of usage is kept to a minimum. This has been achieved by the interface design being extremely minimalistic.

You can download SuperPhoto Free for free via the Windows App Store.


What you are getting with this app…

When you download and run the SuperPhoto Free app on your Windows 8 device, you will be presented with a screen that looks like the below screenshot.

main screen

In the above screen, you can easily choose from a wide range of photo editing effects. The app offers a very wide and a comprehensive selection of filters to choose from, and you can make the most out of this app by choosing the effects that best suits your needs.

In the above Window, you will see the various photo effects sorted out according to various categories, like Most Popular, Filters, 3D, Patterns, Combos, Brushes etc.

To begin with, let us choose the Stained Glass effect from the Most Popular category.

NOTE: The working process for all these effects remains essentially the same.

In the below screenshot, I have selected the Stained Glass Effect.

effect selection

In the above screen, you get several options to the right side of the screen. These options are:

  • Choose photo: Allows you to choose a photo stored on your Windows 8 device for applying the effect to it.
  • Camera: Allows the app to fire up your Windows 8 device’s webcam and take pictures using the same. The effect is then applied to the image.
  • Options: Allows you access to various other configurable options.

Here, let us open up an image stored on our Windows 8 device. (see screenshot below)

photo chosen

Once you have selected a photo for editing, your image will be visible on the right side of the screen. Simply click on the Go button at the bottom-right corner of the screen to begin the editing process. As soon as you click on the Go button, you will be taken to the Processing screen where you will see a cute butterfly flapping its wings as the timer for the Processing to be completed. (see screenshot below to view how the Processing screen looks like)


After the Processing of your image is completed, you will be taken to a screen that looks like the following screenshot.

processing done

You can see above that the image has been converted to look like it was a design on a glass that was stained with the pattern of the image. The above result is pretty impressive. To save the image, simply right click anywhere on the page, and select the Save button. You will the be taken to the File Explorer screen, wherein you can specify the name of the image and select the location where you want to save the image to.

This is all that you need to know to start using the SuperPhoto Free app on your Windows 8 device. Also, check out the Filter app for Windows 8 to edit your images.

The verdict?

SuperPhoto Free is a well designed app that is definitely worth a look for the people who wish to edit images on their Windows 8 devices. The app is very smooth, and the endless list of editing effects offered by the app make it a good download.

Get SuperPhoto Free for Windows 8.

Works With: Windows 8
Free/Paid: Free

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