View Source Code of a page using Dafizilla ViewSourceWith

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Dafizilla’s ViewSourceWith is an add-on feature for many Mozilla applications like Netscape, Firefox, Flock, Sea monkey, Songbird, Thunderbird etc. This tool is developed with the purview to help users open the source code of page using some external applications. For the sake of explanation, I have installed ViewSourceWith as an add on to my Mozilla Firefox browser. See the screenshot below.


As soon as I installed ViewSourceWith, it created a small icon on my Tool Bar. It now can be accessed from here to make changes to the settings. It also creates a short cut with Ctrl + Shift + U, and you can open the ViewSourceWith ‘s default editor using this short cut. You can even replace U with any other alphabet.


You can change the settings, like, configure the path compatible with ‘portable’ applications. You can add the various Editors to the Editor List, so that you can choose any of them when ever required. It lets you choose the Temporary file folder, or better you can choose windows default Temp folder.

ViewSourceWith lets you open a page and view its source as DOM (document object Model), CSS or JS files. You can open the images with your default image viewer (For example  Photoshop or Paint). It also lets you read PDF files using Acrobat Reader, Foxit Reader or any PDF reader according to your wish.

You can also edit the content of textboxes using an editor you prefer, and see the test modified on your browser after re-switching the focus.

Key Features of ViewSourceWith:

  • It lets you open source code of a page in DOM format.
  • You can also open CSS or JavaScript files of any page.
  • It lets you open the images using default Image viewer (e.g. Photoshop or Paint)
  • It reads PDF files using a PDF reader you want, for example, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Foxit Reader.
  • ViewSourceWith lets you make the changes to the content of the textboxes present on a page. You can do this using any of the editors you wish to use. The changes will be reflected as soon as you re-switch the focus on the page.
  • It provides a great relief to developers as it can open pages server side which generates the content for browser, making it easier for developer to debug.
  • It can also open files that are listed on JS console. As soon as this file is opened by the editor, the cursor moves to the line which is shown on JS console.
  • It can also support Internet Explorer by Microsoft in some cases and add it to the editor list.

Overall Review

ViewSourceWith is a reliable add-on which gives attention to small tasks which makes in turn become important tasks. You can edit any webpage content with any editor like Notepad or Word and it will provide you the result on the spot. It lets you modify HTML, CSS, JavaScript code. ViewSourceWith works only with Mozilla tools like Firefox browser etc., though we wish that it may soon support other applications as well like Google Chrome. Dafizilla ViewSourceWith can be accessed from here.

Free/Paid: Free

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