Setup Multiple Timers to Track Time Spent on Multiple Tasks

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WatchMe is a freeware timer software that lets you setup multiple timers to track time spent on multiple tasks. You can setup as many timers as you want, and let each of them run together, or run a few of them together, or run any one timer at a time. Basically, you are free to use timers as you want.

You can name each timer, and can also set notes with each timer, so that you can store more details for each timer.


This timer application comes handy if you are trying to track time spent on multiple activities. Like, if you are working on a project that span multiple tasks, you can setup a timer for the project, and multiple timers of the tasks under the project. Similarly, if you are trying to make a dish in kitchen, you can quickly setup different timers to track cooking time of different ingredients of the dish (or, you can use Kitchen Timer also for that).

Some of the features of this Multiple Timers freeware are:

  • You can group multiple timers into tabs.
  • It also shows total for a group of timers.
  • You can choose the format in which you want to display time in timers. You can choose to display just hours, or half hours, or minutes, seconds etc.
  • You can also export timers to a CSV file or an XML file. This is an especially useful feature to log timesheets by using this free timer software.

WatchMe does not needs to be installed. You need to just download the exe, and run that.

Our Verdict:

WatchMe does not carries any bells and features or advanced features that other timer programs like TimeSheet freeware, or Work time logger provide. However, it really succeeds in providing a simple to use timer software that is easy to use, and has all the basic features that I would expect from such a software. Based on that, we give it 5 hearts rating.

I Love Free Software Reviewed

Download WatchMe free.

Works With: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Free/Paid: Free

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