Knowmia: Free Educational Website For Students And Teachers

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Knowmia is a free educational website for both teachers and students. The students and teachers can watch video lessons on any topics from any subject. All the video lessons on the website are either uploaded by the teachers themselves or they are streamed from YouTube.

The teachers can create assignments, video lessons, and video presentations and upload them to website for interacting with  students.

The website lets the students/teachers to mark the lessons that they like as favorite and to save the tutorials for  viewing later.

Knowmia Logo

Using This Educational Website For Students:

The students can watch the tutorials for any subject of any class from the website for free. The website doesn’t require any registration for viewing the tutorials. Click on the label at right hand side on the home screen to explore all the tutorials.

Knowmia Homepage

In the next window, you will see a search bar. You need to enter the name of the topic, whose tutorial you want to view, in the bar. The website will display the categories of the all the tutorials related to the entered topic. Select the topic matching your criteria.

Searching The Topic

You will see all the tutorials related to the topic you selected. Just click on any tutorial to view it. The video will be played in a new window. You can share the video using the URL and embed it to your web page as well. The website also lets the students to mark the video as favorite and save it for viewing later but this option is only for registered user.

Watching Tutorials

The website offers some other options for the registered students. If you are a registered user, then you will see a option called myKnowmia at the top right corner. Click on it to access the options which are exclusive for registered user. They can also create their own lessons by either uploading or importing the video file. The importing of videos are permitted from YouTube, Vimeo, and Prezi. The registered users can check the assignments, lessons uploaded by them, favorite lessons, and saved lessons.

Student myKnowmia Area

Using This Educational Website For Teachers:

The Knowmia website is equally helpful for teachers as well. If you are a teacher, then you create video presentations, interactive assignments, and check the video tutorials uploaded by others. You need to have the Knowmia’s iPad app if you are looking to create video presentations and interactive assignments.

If you don’t have iPad app, then you can create simple assignments by adding images, videos, and lessons to it. To create a new assignment, click on myKnowmia at top right corner followed by a click on Create A New Assignment.

Creating A New Assignment

The website lets you set the different Settings to the assignments to decide how others can interact with it. The website provides you with a unique URL for the assignment which you can share with your students so that they can have a look at it.

Sharing URL For Assignment

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Final Verdict:

The Knowmia is a good educational website for both students and teachers. It can really help teachers in interacting with their students even when the schools are off. The website has tutorials for almost all topics so it means that both teachers and students can check and learn anything at anytime.

Check the Knowmia educational website from here.

Free/Paid: Free

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