5 Free Birthday Reminder Apps For iPhone

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Here is a list of 5 free birthday reminder apps for iPhone which reminds you about the upcoming  birthdays of your friends and closed ones.

Apart from reminding you about the upcoming birthdays, these apps also offer various other features as well. Some of the features includes sending e-cards and e-gifts along with sending wishes directly from the app. All these apps have in-built support for Facebook which means you can post the wishes to your friend’s timeline directly from the app. A few of the apps even let you add reminders for events other than birthdays.

Lets have a look at them:

1. Birthday Calendar+:

Birthday Calendar+

Birhtday Calendar+ is the first birthday reminder app for iPhone. The app lets you add birthdays, wedding anniversaries as well as custom events. You can add birthdays to the app by importing from Facebook/Phonebook or by entering them manually. You can check the number of days left in birthday for any contact as well as his/her age on the day of birthday. The app lets you change the settings for reminder according to your preference. The app also shows extra info about each person in the list. You can tap on any person’s name to check days left in next birthday, days passed since last birthday, astrology related info, compatible zodiac signs, incompatible zodiac signs etc.

Read full review of Birthday Calendar+ here.

Get Birthday Calendar+ here.

2. Birthday-Calendar:


The second birthday reminder app for iPhone is Birthday-Calendar. This lets you import birthdays from iPhone as well as Facebook. You can also add birthdays manually. The app displays all the birthdays via a in-built calendar with days having birthdays marked with pink color circle. The app lets you wish birthdays to your friends via Facebook and SMS. The app reminds you about the birthday by sending push notifications with the option of choosing your own preferences.

Read full review of Birthday-Calendar here.

Get Birthday-Calendar here.

3. Birthday Cards For Facebook:

Birthday Cards For Facebook

Birthday Cards For Facebook is a free birthday reminder app for iPhone which also lets you send virtual birthday cards to your friends. The birthday cards can be sent either via Facebook or email. The app has a total of 8 categories for selecting the card: For Everyone, For Him, For Her, Romantic, Funny, Kids, Belated and Age. Each of the category has various different types of cards with some of them available for free while some are paid. The only thing is that this app lets you add birthdays only from Facebook.

Get Birthday Cards For Facebook here.

4. Birthday Sweet- Birthday Reminder & Calendar For Facebook:

Birthday Sweet

The second last app in the list is Birthday Sweet. This app also displays the birthdays from only Facebook but you can also add birthdays manually. For each friend, the app shows his date of birth, zodiac sign, and number of days left in birthday. You can send birthday greetings via Facebook/SMS as well as birthday eCards. While sending the eCards, the app lets you customize the cards by choosing background wallpaper, font size, and any custom message. The app has a good collection for adding images to eCard while the option of adding images from your photo album is available with paid version of the app.

Get Birthday Sweet here.

5. Birthday Board:

Birthday Board

The last birthday reminder app for iPhone is Birthday Board. This app displays the birthdays of all your friends in the form of a board. The app lets you add birthdays by either adding them manually or by importing via Facebook/iPhone contacts. The app has different styles of boards which you can choose to see the birthdays. You can see the board selected by me on my iPhone. If you want to get detailed information about any friend or if you would like to wish him, then you can do so by tapping on the card containing his name. The app lets you send greetings via Facebook, Twitter, mail, and SMS. You can also share your birthday board with others as well from within the app.

Get Birthday Board here.

Here, I conclude my list of 5 free birthday reminder apps for iPhone. Checkout any of these apps and never forget birthday of anyone again. Instead surprise them by wishing birthday at exact 12 AM or even earlier. Do share your experiences and the name of the app which impressed you the most.

Works With: iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch
Free/Paid: Free

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