5 Horoscope Apps For Android

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Here’s a list of 5 horoscope apps for Android which you can use to keep track of horoscope using your Android powered phone or tablet. Even though some people give little value to reading horoscopes, they are still a very popular method of gazing into the future for answers about life, love and finance. Smartphones that we’re overrun with seems to be able to do pretty much everything else, so why not horoscope reading.

Let’s look at the apps we found in Google Play Store which let you read your horoscope.

Daily Horoscope

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Daily Horoscope apparently gives very correct predictions, and it’s one of the most well-rounded horoscope apps that we’ve come across.

What you see on the image above is the daily horoscope. On top of the standard horoscope, you also get the Chinese yearly horoscope, Druid horoscope, Zodiac horoscope, horoscope sign compatibility checker and more. To help you stay ahead of the curve, you can even receive tomorrows horoscope in advance, so that you can prepare yourself better for whatever awaits you.

Get Daily Horoscope.

Horoscope by Horoscope.fr

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Here’s a horoscope app that’s called just that, Horoscope. It’s not as advanced as Horoscope Daily, but it does its job good.

You just get the standard horoscope, the kind that’s available in newpapers. First thing that you’re gonna see after running the app is a list of signs. Tap on the sign and the horoscope for the current day opens up. Future horoscopes, for the next day, are also available.

Get Horoscope – Horoscope.fr.

My Horoscope

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My Horoscope is a horoscope app that gives you a horoscope readings 7 days in advance.

Under the hood it works like every other horoscope app. When you first run it, you’re asked for your DOB. Based on that, you’ll be assigned your sign and you can start keeping track of your horoscope for up to 7 days in advance.

Get My Horoscope.

Astro Horoscope

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Astro Horoscope is lightweight horoscope app but even though it’s complicated, it still has a lot of useful features.

For example, you get the usual daily horoscope updates, but weekly, monthly and yearly predictions for love, romance, health, finance and career are available. Sign compatibility checker is also available, if you want to see if you’ll “click” with that potential special someone.

Get Astro Horoscope.

Love Horoscopes

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Those who are in relationships and would like to get their hands on horoscope readings that revolve around love can do that with Love Horoscopes.

Love Horoscope is a horoscope app that will give you love life predictions and intentions of the stars. It also has the standard, yesterday, today, tomorrow horoscope readings.

Get Love Horoscopes.


Like we already mentioned, the Daily Horoscope app, the one from the very beginning of this list is very well-rounded, meaning that it offers a lot of horoscope related info, so we suggest that you try it first. Others are also quite useful, but not quite as informative. Of course if you need love horoscope, then Love Horoscopes is the thing for you. If you don’t agree, leave comments down below.

Works With: Android
Free/Paid: Free

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