Emailadore is a free email sharing service that generates unique URL for any email that you want to share with others.
To use this service, all you need to do is send your email to this service, and it will generate a unique URL for that email. You can share that URL with your friends.
Your friends will be able to preview your message, download all the attachments, and can also download original message (in *.eml format.) Eml file can be opened with Outlook to view the original message with all attachments.
In the above screenshot, you can see the preview of an email generated by this service.
Note: You don’t have to sign up with this service to generate URL for sharing the email(s). However, signing up with this service will help you to access all the emails sent by you using this service.
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How To Use this Free Email Sharing Service?
Follow these four steps to work with this free email sharing service:
Step 1: Compose a new mail, add attachments (if any) and send it to ’[email protected]’. You can also forward any email message to this mail address.
Step 2: After a few seconds, it will send you an email that will contain the sharing link of your email.
Step 3: Share that URL with any person you want.
Step 4: Your friends with whom you have shared the URL can preview it on any web browser, download attachments, and download eml file of that email.
Emailadore is a fast email sharing service. Quickly generate sharing URL for your email and post it to any social network, or anywhere else, to let users see the content of that email.