5 Free Websites to Learn MySQL

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Here’s a list of 5 free websites to learn MySQL. MySQL is an RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) which plays an important role in web development, web apps, apps, or other similar fields. It is used for maintaining the database of websites, web apps. It makes it easier to analyse the data, no matter how big or complex it is.

The websites in this list will help you learn the important concepts of MySQL. They are good for you no matter whether you are a newbie to SQL or you are an advanced user but looking for practicing your basics. So, let’s get started with these websites.

1. W3Schools:


The website with which I am starting this list is W3Schools. It is one of the most popular websites for learning different courses online. The website starts the tutorials with definition of SQL and then you can proceed to other aspects of the course. The whole course is divided into specific sections, which make it easier to navigate to a specific section.

All the sections start with a brief introduction to the concept, related constraints, and example SQL queries for helping you understand that particular concept. All the sections are displayed to you on the left sidebar, which make it easier for you to jump to any concept anytime. It also includes a quiz which consists of 20 questions with no time limit.

2. Tutorials Point:

Tutorials Point

The next website in the list is Tutorials Point. On the homepage, you will see the info like definition, audience, and pre-requisites. On the left sidebar, the website shows complete contents table with all the concepts arranged in such a way that it is easier for you to grasp them. The website covers all the main concepts including the installation and setting up of MySQL server. Then it gradually progresses to the topics like creating database and then performing queries on it.

Each concept includes an introduction part followed by talks about the syntax and then different examples to clear the concepts easily. The website also gives you the option to print any concept page and even save it as PDF.

3. MySQL Tutorial:

MySQL Tutorial

As the name suggests, MySQL Tutorial is completely dedicated to MySQL learning. The website has following main sections: Basic MySQL, MySQL Stored Procedures, MySQL Triggers, MySQL Views, MySQL Functions, MySQL Administration, and MySQL Tips. It also has dedicated tutorials for learning installation of MySQL and MySQL Programming interfaces like PHP MySQL, Python MySQL, or Perl MySQL.

Clicking on any section will take you to the page from where you can see the list of all the concepts included under it, along with a 1-2 line summary. Clicking on the concept will open it in a new page with complete info about the tutorial.

4. Web Developers Notes:

Web Developers Notes

The next website Web Developers Notes starts with describing what is SQL, why SQL, what are databases, why you need them, etc. After it, you can simply jump to any of section or concept of MySQL. Like the above-mentioned websites, it also displays all the sections on the left sidebar for faster switching.

Each of the concepts includes textual part, and examples. The examples are placed after each detail to make you understand them easily. At end of each concept, there’s an Assignments section which includes questions regarding the concept.  After questions, there is a link to Answers page which you can refer to after solving all of them.

5. SQL Course:


The last website in the list is SQL Course. It doesn’t go deep into SQL tutorials and it deals with only the basic concepts of SQL to give you heads up before you go for the higher level concepts. It basically covers what is SQL, table basics, selecting data, creating tables, inserting into a table, drop a table, etc. You will also find textual explanation of each concept along with the example which you can try as you learn. At the end, there are exercises. You can also look for answers of the exercises on the website.

Here I conclude my list of 5 free websites to learn SQL. Give them a try to learn SQL online from anywhere without even spending a single penny on the course.

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Free/Paid: Free

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