5 Brain Training Extensions For Chrome

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Here’s a list of 5 brain training extensions for Chrome which will help you exercise you brain. Our bodies aren’t the only thing that need a workout. Brain training apps covered down below will help you improve your brain’s sharpness by testing you with math problems, word puzzles, shape guessing and matching, color matching and more. Both left and right brain hemispheres are going to get a workout. Let’s see what exactly does the Chrome Webstore has to offer.

Twinoo Brain Training

Twinoo Brain Training works on both the left and right part of the brain by giving you 2 questions at the same time. Left hemisphere gets math problems, while the right one (the one responsible for creativity) gets color matching.

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Timers can be seen at the top. Miss 3 questions and you’re out. Goal of this brain training extension is to work on both brain hemispheres at the same time, giving you full brain workout, so to speak.

Get Twinoo Brain Training.


MindGamer offers a much more advanced set of brain training exercises that you can use. They are actual games like the one that you can see on the image down below, which work on improving different brain functions.

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What exactly gets worked on? Your working memory, spatial visualizations, visual analysis, cognitive flexibility and more. Each type of exercise has a game that you can play to make the whole brain training process more fun.

Get MindGamer.

Also have a look at 5 Free Websites to Play Brain Training Games.

CogniFit Brain Fitness

CogniFit will train your brain with games like pair matching, word puzzles, arithmetic problem solving (math) and more.

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Account needs to be created to use CogniFit and note that the free accounts are limited in the number of exercises that are available. Even with the free account limitation, the app lets you improve memory, visual perception, planning, concentration and more.

Get CogniFit Brain Fitness.

Brain Teasers

Brain Teasers are a selection of online brain training apps for Chrome where you can perform brain exercises for free, without registering an account.

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There are games for training memory, attention, reaction time, reflexion, strategy and more. A special category of games is available for kids too. As far a brain training extensions for Chrome goes, Brain Teasers is lightweight, perfect for casual brain training enthusiasts.

Get Brain Teasers.

Also have a look at iPhone Brain Training Game to Improve Brain Skills.

Math Game – Quick Thinking

Technically speaking Math Game isn’t a brain training extension, but rather a math problem solver.

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Despite not having a wide range of brain training exercises, Math Game can still help out with keeping the gray matter of your brain active. The whole game revolves around solving increasingly more difficult arithmetic problems. Think of it as an even more casual way of how to keep your brain sharp than Brain Teasers.

Get Math Game – Quick Thinking.


MindGamer seems to be the most well-rounded of the five brain training extensions from the list above. Give it a spin and let me know what you think in the comments down below. Brain Teasers is an excellent alternative if you need something simplistic.

Works With: Chrome
Free/Paid: Free

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