How To Auto Download Nat Geo Photo of the Day to Dropbox

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This tutorial explains how to automatically download National Geographic Photo of the Day to Dropbox. The task is made possible by using the very popular service ‘IFTTT’ and its recipe. Whenever a new photo of the day is posted by National Geographic, it is automatically backed up in a folder on your Dropbox account. Those who like to store a collection of National Geographic Photo of the Day, this is a great, yet so simple solution.

To perform this task, you need to add a recipe to your IFTTT account. After this, that recipe will trigger every time a new photo of the day is posted.

automatically download National Geography Photo of the Day to Dropbox

The above screenshot shows National Geographic Photo of the Day saved by an IFTTT recipe to my Dropbox account.

How To Automatically Download National Geographic Photo of the Day to Dropbox using This Free IFTTT Recipe?

You can store Nat Geo’s photo of the day to your Dropbox account by using the following steps:

Step 1: In this very first step, you need to sign in to your IFTTT account.

Step 2: Use this link to open the homepage of IFTTT recipe that I have used to achieve this task.

Step 3: Connect your Dropbox account with IFTTT (if not already) and then tap on Add Recipe button.

Add Recipe

The recipe will be stored to My Recipes menu of your IFTTT account. After this, you have to wait until a new photo is posted by National Geographic.

Step 4: When a new photo is posted to Photography section of Nat Geo website, the recipe will trigger, and automatically store that photo to your Dropbox account. To check the photo, open your Dropbox account, and access National Geographic Photo of the Day folder available under IFTTT folder.

access National Geography Photo of the Day folder on your Dropbox account


You might also like to check other free IFTTT recipes: automatically post new Pinterest pins to Facebook and automatically regularly backup Facebook photos to Dropbox.


IFTTT service is really great and its recipes are fantastic. Tasks which can’t be done by some third-party apps or software, can be done easily using IFTTT recipes. This time, IFTTT recipe comes in handy to grab Nat Geo Photo of the Day, and store to Dropbox.

Free/Paid: Free

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