SwitchZoo Animal Games for Kids to Make New Animals

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SwitchZoo is a cool website for kids with lots of activities, like make new animals, solve animal puzzles, read animal facts, etc. I think the best part of this website is the new animal making activity. I tried it out and it was a lot of fun to switch the face, legs of the animals to create an entirely new breed. You can start with choosing an animal and then you can go ahead and switch its head, legs, tail with some other animal. As a result, you will get an entirely new species, which might or might not be nice to look at.

When you land on the website home page, you will see three tabs there: make and play, watch and listen, teach and learn.

switchzoo home page

Make and Play: This is the most fun section of the website. This is where you can make new animals, play animal games, etc. When you click this link, you’ll be taken to a page where you have to select an activity out of the activities given. You will find the activities displayed in a circular format, as can be seen in the screenshot below.

switchzoo make and play

Well, I selected SwitchZoo first, because I was too excited about making a new animal. Here you will have to select an animal picture to start with. I started with a dog. Now you get options to change the head, tail and legs of the chosen animal. You will find options of both at the bottom and left side of the display screen. Keep changing until you think that the changes you made look nice. Look at the screenshot below: I made a Rhinozep, out of a Rhino, Zebra and Pig.

switchzoo rhinozep

The sad part, though, is that it doesn’t allow you to save the image of the new animal you made. All you can do is add a title, add a story to it and take a print out. Apart from this you can go on a quest, play a match puzzle, create a habitat, etc. All these games can be played through this make and play tab.

switchzoo watch and see

Watch and Listen: This section has animal sounds and animal videos which you will love to hear or watch. The above screenshot is what you will see when you open up this section.

teach and learn switchzoo

Teach and Learn: In this section you can play educational games, explore the resources section for more information on various animals, take a guided lesson on how to make a new animal, etc.

SwitchZoo also has apps available for iOS, and Android with additional benefit of being able to save the animals that you create. If you like the website than you can also install the app for it.

You can also check out kids games like science games, maths games, and avengers games.

I think this is a great app for kids, as all kids love animals. Given a chance to create a new one themselves would be great for the kids. They would love to make a new animal and name them with their favorite names. I really wish there was an option to save those animals. Go ahead and try it out.

Check out SwitchZoo here.

Free/Paid: Free

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