Windows 10 Photo Editor to Paste your face on Someone Else’s body

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PhotoFacer is a free Windows 10 photo editor app where you can paste your face on someone else’s  body. The app lets you create fun photos using your face and someone else’s body. The body can be of a man, women, child or animal. Its a fun app with lots of templates to choose from.

The app can be downloaded from the Windows 10 store or from the link given at the end of this article. The app interface looks like the screenshot given below.

photofacer home

Let’s see how this Windows 10 photo editor app works:

Out of so many categories and templates choose the one that you like the most. Select the template and you will be directed to a screen like the one shown below.

photofacer selected template

Here it shows you your selected template and gives you a add option on the right. Click the add button to add a photo. When you click this add button you will get an option to choose from where you want to import a photo. You options are gallery, camera, social networks, recent cutouts and add text.

Once you select a photo, it will open up in the app interface. Now you have to paint the face in the photo. By painting the face you are telling the app the face area you want to use to paste in the picture. So the app will only cut that much area which you have colored. This can be seen in the screenshot below.

photofacer color face area

For precision painting you can also increase or decrease the size of the brush being used. Click on done once you have painted the face area. This will bring you to the screen shown in the screenshot below.

photofacer add face

Here you can zoom in or zoom out on the face to adjust it according to the face space provided in the template. You can also adjust the contrast, brightness, hue, saturation, transparency, etc. All the options to be used are given on the right side. If you are happy with the photo you have created then go ahead and click the done button at the top right corner.

photofacer result

Now you will be shown you final created photo, as can be seen in the screenshot above. You can go ahead and save this photo on your computer in JPG format. You can also submit your photo to users creation section for everyone to see.

Features of this Windows 10 photo editor app:

  • Create funny photos using your face and someone else’s body.
  • Lots of templates to choose from.
  • Easy to use.
  • Use gallery photos or use your webcam to take one.
  • Created photos can be saved to your computer in JPG image format.


PhotoFacer is a really fun app to try out. You can create so many funny pics and share them with your friends. Choosing from the templates and applying your face on them can make you so many different things. Some of them are bound to look truly funny and even authentic at times.

Check out PhotoFacer for Windows 10 here.

Works With: Windows 10
Free/Paid: Free

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