How To Remove All Your Likes from Twitter In Bulk

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This tutorial explains how to remove all your likes from Twitter in bulk. To make it fast and much easier, a free online tool, called “Fav Cleaner“, can be handy. You need to sign in with the Twitter account which has the likes that you want to remove. After that, this tool works automatically.

For me, it worked really fast. 36 likes were deleted in one second. However, the tool is especially useful when there are hundreds or thousands of likes, and you need to remove all of them. While manually it could be irritating and time-consuming to remove hundreds of likes, the same can be done in a matter of seconds and automatically using Fav Cleaner tool.

remove all your likes from twitter in bulk

In the screenshot above, you can clearly see that before there were 36 likes visible on my Twitter account, but after using this tool, all those likes were cleared in one go. After that, there was no ‘Likes’ section.

This tool is especially useful for marketeers who like lot of tweets of users to get their attention in the hope that they might get new followers. Now, using this tool, they can also unlike those tweets, and keep their account clean.

How To Remove All Your Twitter Likes In Bulk?

Step 1: Go to the homepage of Fav Cleaner tool.

Step 2: Use Sign in with Twitter button. After sign in, you need to give permission to Fav Cleaner tool to access your Twitter account. It is necessary because Fav Cleaner won’t be able to find and clean all the likes from your Twitter account if permission is not granted by you.

sign in with twitter

Step 3: Now sit back and relax! This tool will automatically check how many likes are available in your Twitter account and remove all those likes quickly. You need to refresh the tab to see how many likes have been deleted by it.

refresh the tab to see how many tweets deleted

You can also check your Twitter account and you will find that there is no ‘Likes’ section anymore. This simply means that all the likes are cleared by this tool.

Some other interesting tutorials for Twitter covered by us are:

The Verdict:

There could be many reasons when you want to empty the list of likes from your Twitter account. Maybe you want to start from the scratch or you have liked tweets temporarily. So, whatsoever is the reason, if you want to completely remove all the likes from your Twitter account, then Fav Cleaner tool is all you need. The whole process to clean likes is automatic.

The tool does not have any customization options, like delete likes of a specific time period only, but it does what it advertises.

Try this tool.

Free/Paid: Free

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