5 Free Websites for Seniors on How to Use Computer and Internet

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Here are 5 free websites to learn how to use Computer & Internet. These websites will help you with computer basics tutorial, Internet tutorials, computer education, basically let you do masters in IT, of course without a professional certificate.

Senior citizens and kids are the ones for whom learning computers is highly essential if they want to join the run of this fastest developing virtual world. And if you are among those who have never touched or operated a computer, then you are at the right place. These websites will help you begin learning computers easily. Lets get into each computer education website.

The Senior’s Guide To Computers


The Senior’s Guide To Computers is one of the most popular websites that helps you learn computers easily. This free computer education website has been designed for seniors or for people who are entering  the IT super highway late in life. Senior’s Guide To Computers is just perfect for Computer beginners of all age groups to learn about Computer.

This free Computer education website covers all the computer topics, right from how to set up a computer to computer basics to Internet tutorials to Hardware to Security, just everything.

The Learning Center of the website has been categorized into different tutorials such as Computer Accessibility, Back Up Your Data, Basics, Email, Glossary, and more. Go ahead and learn how to use Computer & Internet..!

Senior Citizens should not miss to check out Software for Eye Exercises On Computer.



Internet101 is another website that helps you learn how to use Computer & Internet. This one comes with full-fledged Computer education in the sense that with Internet101, you can learn everything related to Computers or Internet such as Internet Basics, how Internet works, how to use Internet, about Wireless broadband, Email, Online Shopping, Web Portals, Finding web addresses, create SQL Database, and much more.

This free Computer education website has been created for those who want to know just the basics. This guide will provide you with enough knowledge to have fun on the Internet, yet will not bore you with too many details. Go ahead and become a master of Internet..!



Eldy is a desktop software that helps older people quickly learn to use Computer and Internet. This free Computer learning software makes all the essential programs very easy and intuitive to use for older people.

Senior citizens will be able to compose an email, enter chat rooms, experience using a web browser, log on to simplified versions of Skype or Notepad and a program known as Eldy TV.

In short, Eldy is a free Computer trainer for seniors. The program is also perfect for young children to learn the tricks of a computer technology. Read more about Eldy here.



Menganga is yet another powerful website that let you learn how to use Computer & Internet. This free website is a bit different from others in the sense that apart from providing the theoretical part of Computer lessons, Menganga also serves Computer Video tutorials for understanding clearly how to work with Computers.

This free website provides various Computer lessons such as Basic Computer training that includes how to use mouse, understanding cursor, keyboard, and many more topics. Each sub-topic has a short Computer Video for better understanding. A must for all beginners..!



Ending my short post with last but of course not the least Computer learning website, Internet4Classrooms. This free website for learning Computers comes up with basics of computers such as Microsoft Office, various Applications such as Internet Explorer, and much more.

In addition, you can also learn HTML, learn Web Designing, Photoshop, and various other essential topics on Computers. Go ahead and give it a trial.


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