How To Automatically Log Liked YouTube Videos To Google Sheets

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This tutorial explains how to automatically log liked YouTube videos to Google Sheets. By using the method explained in this tutorial, every time you like a new video on YouTube then its details like name, description, date on which video was liked, and its URL will be logged to a Google Sheet. For this I will use IFTTT, which is quite a popular service to connect different cloud platforms together. So, in this method, you will create an IFTTT Applet to connect YouTube and Google Sheets together. Created Applet will then automatically add the details of YouTube liked videos to a Google Sheet, which you can later even export as CSV or Excel. You can then also use this info to create YouTube Playlist.

how to automatically log liked youtube videos to google sheets

If you love to watch videos on YouTube then I will recommend you to check out YouTube Plus. It is a Chrome extension that can totally customize your YouTube watching experience like you can use it to pop-out YouTube videos, play YouTube videos in full browser width, and even block YouTube channels, etc.

How to automatically log liked YouTube videos To Google Sheets:

After doing some research on this problem, I could only find IFTTT as a viable alternative to automatically log like YouTube videos to Google Sheets. In this method, you have to create an IFTTT Applet which will keep track of liked YouTube videos and add its details to a Google Sheet. It will add details of 2000 liked YouTube videos in a Google Sheet and after that, it will automatically create a new one.

Before getting started, you have to create a free account on IFTTT and then connect YouTube and Drive account with it. After that, you can follow the steps listed below.

Let’s see the steps to automatically log liked YouTube videos to Google Sheets:

Step 1: Well you can totally skip the steps to create a new IFTTT Applet to perform this task, just have to visit here and turn on the Applet. It will be then automatically added to your Applets.

how to automatically log liked youtube videos to google sheets

Step 2: This Applet will save liked YouTube videos Google Sheet in IFTTT/YouTube Google Drive directory, as shown in the screenshot below.

youtube videos spreadsheet


This tutorial explains how to automatically log liked YouTube videos to Google Sheets. By using the method explained in this tutorial, you can save details of liked YouTube videos to Google Sheets. The best part is that you can export the liked YouTube videos Google Sheet as CSV, XLS, etc for further processing. The method introduced in this tutorial to create an IFTTT Applet for the desired task is very simple and straightforward as well.

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