Schedule Twitter Tweets with

[yasr_overall_rating] [yasr_visitor_votes] is a free application that lets you schedule tweets for future. Your tweets will be posted in your name automatically by the server on the scheduled time. It is easy to use and if you are hooked up with twitter you can obviously find it very interesting. When you want to post any tweet at a specific point of time you will be able to do it easily with this server application even though you are not online at that time.


Lets look at some features of Tweet4me:

  • It is a BETA version.
  • It can tweet in your name, but it has to be scheduled by you at an earlier period of time.
  • It does not support any year. It only follows the DD-MM format only.
  • The default TimeZone is GMT.
  • You need to mention the time for scheduling the tweet. A 1100h means 11 AM of today only.
  • It is able to access your account but, it cannot see your password for your twitter account.
  • 5 mins are minimum time for any scheduling of tweets. So you cannot schedule your tweets for any time below 5 mins.
  • Even when you are using twitter account by any twitter client you can avail the help of this software.


How to use and schedule Twitter tweets?

  • Firstly, you need to go to the website.
  • Here, you need to click on sign in with Twitter account.
  • This will direct you to the page where you need to enter your username and password for Twitter.
  • All your scheduled tweets can be viewed under My Tweets option.
  • Now as far as the scheduling is concerned you need to follow a few rules.
  • If you enter ”d tweet4me +1h” then the tweet will be posted in 1 hours’ time.


  • The code “d tweet4me” is the main and important code which has to be entered for scheduling through tweet4me.

Tweet4me is an exceptional application and is free for use. So there is no harm using this software for scheduling your tweets.

Free/Paid: Free

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