Convert Degrees Minutes Seconds to Decimal Degrees with these Sites

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Here are 4 free websites to convert degrees minutes seconds to decimal degrees. Basically, both DMS (Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds) and decimal degrees give location’s latitude and longitude. Using these websites, you need to enter DMS values to get the longitude and latitude values in decimal degrees. The output values indicate the location.

These websites have other interesting features also. For example, you can share the output location using a unique link, see the description of how the calculation is made, get the output in 4,5, and 6 decimals, and more.

Let’s check these DMS to decimal degrees converter websites one by one. website is one of the best websites to convert DMS coordinate values to decimal degrees. There is a very simple interface where separate boxes are present to enter values for degrees, minutes, and seconds. Once you hit the Convert to Decimal Degrees button, it immediately provides the output.

The good thing about this website is there are buttons available to enter input values. So, even if you don’t have an idea about what should be the correct value, you can use buttons to enter the values and get the output based on the input items.

You can also share the output location with the help of URL provided by this website. Apart from that, it also provides an explanation of how decimal degrees is calculated. So, those who are new to such terms, this website can be a good source to learn about all such terms and then convert degrees, minutes, and seconds to decimal degrees.

RapidTables is also a good option to convert minutes, degrees, and seconds to get decimal degrees as output. The unique feature of this website is it also provides “Angle view” for the output decimal degrees.

Like “”, it also helps to enter the values for minutes, seconds, and degrees using the available buttons. The answer box shows the calculation and final answer.

It also gives a detailed explanation on how you should convert degrees minutes seconds to decimal degrees.

Directions Magazine

Directions Magazine

Directions Magazine ( website brings a very simple interface for DMS to decimal degrees conversion. You need to manually enter values for seconds, minutes, and degrees, and then use the Convert button to get the output. It refreshes the tab to show the output.

The results show DMS values entered by you as well as decimal degrees output. There are no other extra features. Just a simple interface and straightforward options. homepage website provides a basic interface for DMS to decimal degrees conversion. But, the options provided by this website are very useful. It provides three different types of output: 4 decimal, 5 decimal, and 6 decimal degrees.

Just enter the input values which are degrees, minutes, and seconds, and use the “Click to calculate” button. It will give the three type of outputs based on the decimal values.

In addition to these features, it also helps to understand if you have some GPS receiver, then what should be the longitude degrees and minutes based on the input values.

The Conclusion:

While in some cases, DMS is used and in other situations, decimal degrees is used for latitude and longitude of the location. If there is some data which you need to convert degrees minutes seconds to decimal degrees, then these websites are gonna help you a lot. For me, the first website is perfect.


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